Daddy Day

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"What do you want, princess?" I carry Bri into the kitchen "I'll make you whatever you want."

"Lewis food!" She points to the bottle in the fridge.

"You don't want that," I laugh and look around "What about pancakes?"

"Okay!" She jumps out of my arms running over to where Lewis is "Where mommy?"

"She's working." I grab everything I need and see that Bri is 'watching' Lewis so I leave them alone.  She doesn't notice me making the pancakes, so I finish them without her help and walk them to the table.

"Bri, your pancakes are done!" I walk over just in time to see her as she's picking up a terrified looking Lewis and putting him in her baby dolls stroller.  They look okay, so I watch for a few seconds to see that she is also trying to feed him her dolls bottle, and is having conversations with him.

"We go on walk," she whispers to him "And we get iceam.  No tell mommy or daddy."

"Hey princess," I walk up behind her "I think it's time to eat."

"But we play!" She protests "We go on walk."

"What if we all go on a walk later?" I get Lewis out of the doll stroller "Besides, you know you aren't supposed to play with him like this.  He isn't a doll."

"Yes he is!" She looks back at me before walking over to the table.  I grab Lewis's bottle and sit down across from her to feed him.

"I feed?" She asks standing on the chair leaving over to touch the bottle.

"No, princess, this is a big persons job." I fix the bottle so that Lewis can start to eat again "When you're a little bigger you can help.  Let's eat breakfast so we can do something else."

"Something fun?"  Her eyes light up "Paygrowd?"

"Yes, we can go to the playground." I respond laughing "But after Lewis takes his nap.  Me and you can make something here while he sleeps."

She throws her food in her mouth, somehow finishing a whole plate of pancakes in 2 minutes. 

"Done!" She yells taking her plate to the sink "We make juicy pops?"

"What?" Something Jen must have bought her.

"Juicy pops!" She runs over holding an empty popsicle container "We put juicy in it!"

"Okay, we can make those."  I take Lewis into the living room so that he can sleep "But no more yelling, okay?  We don't want to wake him."

I look to see that she has already started.  She has her favorite juice out, some ice cream that she wants to put in it and a bag of candy. 

"Daddy come on!" She yell whispers "We make them."

"I'm coming, princess." I laugh walking into the kitchen "You need to wash your hands first."

She does as she's told and I get everything ready.  I move her stool over to where we have the most work room and she happily follows holding everything she wants in them.  I just hope she likes them because I don't think anyone else will.

"I pour juicy?"  She looks up at me with her huge, innocent looking eyes "Won't spill."

"Okay, but don't put too much in." I help by holding the container "That's enough.  You need room for everything else you want." 

"Now iceam?" She looks through her pile and grabs the mint chocolate chip flavor she picked out.  I gag a little and nod my head signalling yes.  She let's me help her with the spoon and we put a little scoop in each thing. 

"What kind of candy are you putting in them?" I ask her.  She hands me a bag of pieces of chocolate.  I open it for her and she puts handfuls in each thing completely ignoring that I told her only a little. 

"Now what?" She asks once they're done.  I pick up the trey and carry them to the freezer "We need to put them in here so that they get cold.  You can eat one later."

"You eat?"

"I think we should surprise mommy with one instead."  I tell her "She'll love to eat one."

"Okay!"  Her eyes light up "And Luke and Ari?!?!"

"Of course." I laugh "They'll all love them."

"I go play chocolate." She tells me before running off to play with the poor cat.  I look over and see her carrying him like a baby while he looks pissed.

"Bri, maybe you should put Chocolate down for a little." I warn her after he hisses "I think he wants to play with his other toys."

"No!" She protests.

"Sabrina!" I walk over to try to get the cat out of her tight grip "You're going to hurt him.  Put him down.  Now!"

She let's him fall on the floor and runs to the other side of the room crying.  I let her stand there until she falls to the floor.  Eventually, she cries herself to sleep.

"Hey!"  Jen walks in the house a few minutes later "Why's it so quiet?"

"They're sleeping." I reply quieter.  She looks over at Bri sleeping on the floor confused.

"She got pissed because I made her out Chocolate down and cried herself to sleep."

"Okay."  She walks over to Lewis picking him up "How long has he been asleep?"

"About an hour."  I reply "Bri and I made her juice pops you bought her.  She's really excited for you guys to try them."

"Aren't you going to try one?"

"Nope." I smirk knowing they must taste horrible "She wants you, Ari, and Luke to try them."

"Wonderful." She soothes Lewis as he starts to wake up "Maybe we can take her for ice cream and she'll forget about them?"

"You can try, but I don't think she's gonna fall for it.  She picked everything out herself when she made them.  I think the mint chocolate chip ice cream, orange juice and chocolate chips will taste great with the spaghetti I'm making for dinner."

"Orange juice and mint chocolate chip?"  She gags "In the same thing?  Like together?"

"She also added some strawberry juice."  I laugh at her misery "I'm sure you'll love it."

"I hate you."  She glares over at me "If I throw up later it's your fault."

"Mommy?" Bri wakes up.

"Hey, baby." Jen reaches her arm out making room for Bri on her lap "Did you have fun with daddy today?"

"Yeah!  We make my juicy pops."  She starts telling Jen about everything from the time she woke up to the second she fell asleep.

"Well I'm sure your brother and sister can't wait to try them."  Jen gets up and calls them down for dinner.  They run down only to see the devil pops on the counter and try to turn around.

"No way in hell, guys."

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