Cruising with the Pitts (2)

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"Mommy, up!!" I wake up to Bri continually hitting me in my face. She's relentless.

"Let's lay here with daddy," I try get get a few more minutes of sleep by laying her between us, but instead notice her getting quiet and look over to see her about to stand on Brad's head. Before I get a chance stop her, Ari and Luke run into our room excitedly with my parents following.

"Come on, we're hungry!" They yell getting us out of bed.

"The whole idea of the buffet and being on a ship is everyone getting to do things by themselves..." I mumble as I pull myself out of bed. Brad follows and we dress Bri before following everyone else out to eat.

We pick a table that overlooks the ocean, and all we can see in the distance are the many different shades of blue flowing around us. Bri is easily amused by this, and loves looking over the edge making Brad and I nervous. Ari and Luke are having more fun eating everything in sight.

The kids decide that they want to spend the day by the pool. We go back to our rooms to get changed, then all meet up by some pool chairs on the deck. The band shows up shortly after playing some live music, and the atmosphere is soon filled with the sound of kids and adults playing around having fun and the music playing in the background. Brad and my dad are playing in the pool with the kids while Sherry and I lay out watching them.

"They're having so much fun," She looks over at me smiling "Even Bri if she's being a brat."

I laugh. Bri is definitely doing what she does best, and refusing to do anything fun with the family because she wants us to focus our attention on her. Right now, instead of swimming, she is trying to be difficult by running around and dancing where people are trying to walk. As soon as we decide to leave the pool, she's going to want to get in.

"Well, it's keeping her quiet." I laugh as I look over at her "She definitely knows how to entertain herself." I turn back to Brad, my dad and the kids to see them all throwing a beach ball back and forth in the pool. I decide I've had enough time out here and grab Bri taking her with me to play with them.

"Watch out!" Luke yells as the ball comes flying towards me. I quickly help Bri hit it next to us towards Brad, who wasn't paying attention.

"That was mean!" He jokes hitting it towards Ari, who throws it at my dad. We go around in a big circle and let some of the other kids join in with us. Bri leaves me to sit on Brad's shoulders and she plays with another kid her age.

"Daddy!" She yells kicking his shoulder "We go there?" She tries to ask as she points towards the pool area made specially for kids her age. He, of course agrees and takes her and her new friend over to play.

"Mom," Ari swims over towards me "Can me you, and mama do something fun?" She's been hinting at going to the spa since we got on the ship. She wants to get her nails done.

I look over at Sherry, who agrees "Yeah, let's go." We all dry off and make sure Luke and my dad are okay and go to the spa.

"I like that design." Ari picks out a tropical color scheme with palm trees and the ocean as accent nails. We decide on a pale pink for our toes.

"Okay, let's get that one then." We all agreed that we're getting the same thing, and since we'll be in Hawaii tomorrow this is perfect. We all sit in the seats next to each other and talk about what we're excited to do tomorrow while they work on our nails.

"Are we spending the whole day there?" Sherry asks.

"Yeah," I answer "Brad rented a boat because he found out about this dinner on a boat thing. Apparently being on this one all week isn't enough."

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