Sleepover gone wrong

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*Lucas' POV*

"Lucas are you ready to go?" Dad yells from downstairs. "Almost!" I yell back.

Today I'm having a sleepover with my my friend Trevor, so I'm in my room getting my things together.

I roll up my sleeping bag, grab a pillow, and put my backpack on my back. Then I walk downstairs.

"Are you ready buddy?" Dad asks. "Yeah." I smile. "Okay. Say bye to everyone." Dad says. I walk over to the living room where everyone is sitting. "Bye mom, bye Ari, bye Sabrina!" I say giving them all a hug. "Bye." They all say.

We walk to the car and I put my things in the trunk. Dad starts the car and we drive to Trevor's house.

We knock on the door and Trevor answers. "Hey Luke!" He says and invites dad and me in.

Trevor and me go to his room while my dad and his dad talk. We look around his room and he shows me his new toys that he got from his birthday.

"Bye Luke!" Dad yells. "Bye dad!" I yell back. Then I hear the door close.

"So what do you want to do?" Trevor asks. "Let's go play soccer outside!" I say. Trevor nods and we go outside. We set up his goals, then I grab a soccer ball.

We both run towards to ball that we put in the middle of the field. I kick it to his goal, but he quickly blocks it and kicks the ball into my goal."good job bro!" I say. "Thanks." He says back and gives me a high five.

We play a couple more rounds until it starts to get dark. Trevor ends up winning but it was fun to play with him.

We run upstairs and turn on his Xbox. "What do you want to play?" Trevor asks. "Let's play minecraft!" I say. Trevor puts it in and we start to play.

We play for about 15 minutes until We hear the door bell ring. "I think that's the pizza!" Trevor says. We peek over the balcony and we see Trevor's mom take the pizza.

We run downstairs and sit at the table. "I'm guessing that you guys are ready for the Pizza." Trevor's dad says. We both nod and he laughs.

Trevor's dad puts a pot on the table. "What is that?" I ask. We are having lobster for dinner. Have you ever had that?" Trevor's dad asks. "No." I say.

We get interrupted by Trevor's mom. " boys! One or two pieces?" She asks. "One." I say. "Two." Trevor yells. She nods and brings us our pizza.

We sit down and start to eat. Trevor's parents start to crack open the lobsters. "So are those good?" I ask as I bite into my pizza. Trevor looks over and gives me the "its disgusting face". But both of his parents nod yes.

"Would you like to try some?" His dad asks. I sit for a second to think. I decide on yes because I'm always up for trying new things. "Yes please." I say.

He puts a little piece on my plate. I finish the rest of my pizza before I try it.

I open my mouth and swallow. But as soon as I swallow my throat starts to close up and it gets harder to breath.

Trevor's parents can tell that something is wrong. I hear Trevor's mom say that it must be an allergic reaction and tells Trevor's dad to call 911.

I can hardly breathe. It feels like forever until the ambulance comes. The put me on a stretcher and put me on the truck.

I'm scared. This is the first time that this has happened. Time seems to slow down. I just want mom and dad. And I want to get to the hospital.

I get super light headed and pass out.

Brad's POV

"Jen, we have to go!" We're all freaked out. Lucas is in the ER, and they can't do anything until we get there. Jen makes sure Ari and Bri are in the car, then I quickly drive to the hospital.

"Lucas Pitt," Jen tells the receptionist.

"Your relationship?"

"I'm his mother, Jennifer Pitt." We're told what room he's in, and we run right over to the elevator. I notice how she's about to lose it, and know that for the kids at least one of us needs to keep it together. "We don't know how bad this is yet, and we need to stay as calm as possible." I remind Jen, and she tries to pull herself together. Ari is holding Bri, who couldn't care less about where we are.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Ari looks at us with tear stained eyes. She doesn't know all of what happened yet.

Jen wraps her arm around her and tries her best to explain the situation "They're going to do everything they can for him. It's rare that people die from allergic reactions, but he's not in great health right now." Ari just nods, and we wait in silence for the elevator to reach the 3rd floor.
"We're so sorry!" Trevor's parents run up to us "We had no idea he would be allergic to it!" They look at us as if they just shot our child; like we can never forgive them for what was a mistake. We didn't know he was allergic either.

"You didn't know," Jen walks forward and hugs them "We didn't either. We would have never thought he'd be allergic lobster." This calms them down a little, and we walk to Lucas' room. The doctor is waiting for us at the door.

"Mr. & Mrs Pitt?" He asks. We nod. "Your son suffered a severe allergic reaction to the lobster he ate. Because of this, we will need to keep him over night for observations due to the possibility of a second reaction happening. It's very common in these cases, but as of now, he seems to be doing well."

"Can we see him?" He opens the door for us, and Jen and I walk I so we can be alone with him.

"Mom? Dad?" Luke asks groggily. They put a breathing tube in him since his throat closed up, and it's heartbreaking to see him like this.

"Yeah, buddy, it's us." Jen walks up to his bed to hug him.

"You feeling better?"

He shakes his head no, and tries to talk again "I can't breathe." He somehow manages to say.

Jen and I look to each other in shock, and I run out of the room to get help.

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