What should I Do?

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I'm in the kitchen making breakfast for the kids. Which consists of cereal and juice, when I feel my first contraction. I stop what I'm doing and grasp the side of the counter. I moan through the pain. But that's when I hear something that I didn't want to at this time.

"Mom! Tell Luke to get out of my room!" Ari yells.

Then Bri comes over "mommy! I hungry!" She says.

I'm still in pain so I have to sit there and wait until my contraction is over to do anything.

"Mom!" Ari yells.

The contraction finally stops and the first person that I go to is Bri.

"Here honey." I say as I help her get in her booster seat which she can pretty much do all by herself and then I hand her her juice and her cereal.

"Arianna and Lucas, come downstairs now!" I yell as I sit down next to Bri.

They come downstairs quickly and both start talking to me at the same time trying to defend themselves.

"I was just trying to get my video game!" Luke yells.

"Why would I have your dumb ass video game?" Ari yells back.

"I don't care who did it! Leave each other alone and eat your breakfast!" I tell them.

They both roll their eyes at each other then go to get their breakfast.

"Brad!" I yell. I need to let him know that that this baby is coming early. I'm not supposed to be due for another week and a half.

"Um, mom, dad isn't home. He is in Australia filming for his new movie. Remember?" Ari states.

"Damn it!" I say banging my fist on the table and putting my face in my hands.

I remember that Brad left a week ago. They said that they would start filming in Australia a couple of months before but it got cancelled due to some issues with the director. When everything was better with the director, he gave Brad the choice to start last week or start a month after the baby was born. But I had to persuade Brad to start last week because I would rather have him here when the baby is here instead of while I'm pregnant. Brad finally agreed because he would be back before my due date but now it's all screwed up.

"Why do you need dad?" Ari asks.

"Because the baby is coming." I sigh.

"Well shouldn't you go to the hospital?!" Luke asks worried.

"I will when I get the baby's things together. And I can wait until the contractions get closer." I state.

"I'm going upstairs to get ready. Please watch your sister." I say looking at Ari and Luke.

I walk upstairs and I pull out my phone and the first person that I think to call is Jason Bateman. I don't know why.

Jason: hello?
Jen: hey it's Jen.
Jason: hey Jen. What's up? How's the baby?
Jen: well that's what I wanted to talk about.
Jason: what is it?
Jen: well the baby is coming early and Brad is all the way it Australia. Can you bring me to the hospital and stay with me? Until he comes. Well if he gets here on time.
Jason: of course want me to come and get you?
Jen: yes please
Jason: okay I'm on my way.

Then I call Brad who basically tells me that he knew that he shouldn't have gone and that he will leave as soon as he can. But I get scared because the flight is 15 hours long to get back. And I don't think he will make it on time.

I'm not sure why I called Jason over my dad or a relative. But I feel like I made a good decision.

I quickly get my hospital bag together which was mostly packed and finish packing.

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