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*lucas' POV*

"Luke. It's time for you to wake up." I hear mom say but refuse to get up. "Luke I'm not playing with you today." She says. I groan and get up.

"Breakfast in 15." She says and walks out of my room.

As I pick out my clothes, I think about who I have to face today, Mrs. Ross. She's already ruining my day.

I finish getting ready and walk downstairs. Ari and Bri are already downstairs sitting at the table eating. So I go and join them.

Dad gives me my plate and starts to say good morning when mom calls dad from the kitchen.

"Brad, do we have any lemons or pickles?" Mom yells from the kitchen. "Yeah I think we have both. Why?" Dad asks. "I'm craving them!" Mom says. "You don't want the waffles I made?" Dad asks. "No!" She says and dad sighs and sits down.

"That was weird." Ari says. "Yeah. But she can be crazy sometimes." Dad whispers and Ari and I laugh. That's when mom walks in.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks as she carries in her plate of cut lemons and pickles in.

"Nothing!" We all quickly say as we focus on our food.

Mom ignores us and starts eating her odd meal. But as she continues to eat, we all end up staring at her.

"Okay what now?" Mom asks. "Just your weird food combination" Ari says. "I was craving it! Leave me alone! When you birth three kids out of you, then you can tell me whats weird!" She says and the table becomes silent and awkward.

After awkward breakfast, dad drops Ari and I off at school.

When I get into school, I meet up with my friends.

"Hey Luke!" All my friends say. "Hey!" I say back. We all go to our lockers and then go to our lockers.

I totally forget that I have to get to class until I hear the bell ring.

Dang it! Mrs. Ross is going to kill me.

I leave my friends and walk to her room. I stand in front of the door and take a deep breath as I make my way inside.

Everyone is sitting inside listening to Mrs. Ross teach but they stop when they see me.

"What is your excuse today Mr. Pitt?" Mrs. Ross asks me. "I wasn't paying attention to time. I'm sorry." I say.

"That sounds like a personal problem." She says as she hands me my detention.

"But Mrs. Ross! This is only my first time being late!" I say looking at the detention that she just handed me.

"Don't go against my authority again Mr. Pitt or you will be sent to the office! Now take your seat!" She says.

I sigh and take my seat. As I sit down, another student comes in late.

"Ms. Logan! This is not like you to be late!" She says. "I know and I'm sorry." My classmate says. "It's okay just don't be late again. Okay?" Mrs. Ross asks. "Yes ma'am" she says and sits down.

I want to burst out and say 'that's not fair!' But I don't want to get sent to the office.

Mrs. Ross then hands back our tests. As she passes me mine, she gives me a death stare.

I look at it and I got an F. An F? I felt so good about it! I thought I had everything right!

I compare my answers to my friends and we have the same exact answers and he got a A.

I gather all my courage up and walk up to Mrs. Ross.

"Mrs. Ross?" I call. "Yes?" She asks. "Why did I get an F when I got all the answers right?" I ask. "Why didn't you follow my directions and put a square around the answers?" She asks. "I'm sorry I didn't know." I say. "So you admit that you were not listening to me?" She asks. "No. I was listening. I guess I just didn't understand your instructions." I say.

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