We Wanna Keep It

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"Ari why are we pulling in here?" I look up and notice that we're at a pet store "We need to get human food."

"We need food for Chocolate."  She rolls her eyes like I should already know that "That's why Bri wanted to come with."

"Yeah, well she'll get over it."  We start to walk into the store "I can't trust her in public anyway."

We get in the store and I walk right towards the cat food.  It takes me a while before I notice that Ari isn't right next to me.

"Mom!" She yells waving me over "Come see this!" 

"This better not be something dumb."  I grab the food and walk over. 

"It's not dumb!"  She says "It's a puppy and it's adorable."

"Ari, I have 4 kids, your dad and a cat.  I do not need a puppy to deal with too."  I say as the puppy rubs up against my legs "Even if it is really soft and fluffy."

"See!"  She watches as I lean down to pet it "You want it too.  Let's get it."

"We can't just go home with this puppy.  1, your dad will be pissed and 2, it probably has an owner already."  I point to the sign above us "It was just getting a bath, so they're probably going to be picking it up soon."

"But mooooom." She pleads "It want the puppy!"

A younger man walks over to us with a leash looking at the puppy "I hope he wasn't bothering you."

"Not at all."  I stand back up "My daughter just saw him and decided that we need a puppy."

"He does that to a lot of people."  The guy laughs "I'm actually just fostering him.  Still trying to find someone to adopt him."

"Please mom!  We could adopt him!"  Ari begs "We can't let someone horrible have him."

I look from Ari to the puppy, who is now cuddled up against my leg, "Okay, fine.  We'll get the puppy."

"Thank you!"  She jumps up and down running over to hug me "I love you!"

"I love you too, honey."  I laugh "Just don't do anything stupid and make me regret this."

"He already seems to like you so that's a good sign."  The guys says handing me the leash "I guess we just need to do some papers and then he's yours."

I hand the puppy to Ari who starts playing with it like an idiot in the middle of the store.  We walk to the side where I fill out all the needed papers, and once I'm done I finally ask the most important question.

"So, does 'it' have a name?"

"Oh, yeah.  I forgot about that.  His name is cupcake." 

"You're kidding, right?"  My eyes get huge thinking about how we already have a cat named Chocolate "My 3 year old has a cat named Chocolate.  I don't need another food named animal."

"Sorry."  He laughs "The original owners had a toddler that named him.  Guess that kid and yours think the same."

"Yeah, I'm sure they do."  I grab the cart and turn away.  Ari follows quickly with Cupcake in her arms.

"I think Cupcake is cute.  Now we just need another animal named Cookie."

"So get a fish."  I suggest.

"Really?" She lights up "I can get one?!?"

"Sure.  Your dad's already gonna be mad about the dog, why not add a fish in with it."

She picks out a fish while I look at all the dog supplies.  I grab some food, a little bed and a bunch of toys that he'll be able to play with.  She comes back a few minutes later with the fish, fish food and a little tank to put it in.  I decide that it's time to leave before I go home with a freaking zoo.

"Hey, you're home!" Brad walks over excitedly handing me Lewis who is screaming "I'll go help get the bags."

"Uh, why don't you just let the kids?"  I try to hide the fact that I got a dog "Luke!!  Come help unload the groceries!"

Just as I finish yelling, the damn dog barks.

"What was that?" Brad asks.  I try to look confused "I don't know.  The neighbors dog must be outside."

"No, that was in our garage."  He walks closer to look, but I block him "Jennifer, what the hell is Arianna doing holding a puppy?!?"

"Surprise!" I yell hoping he isn't pissed.

"This better be a joke." He looks mad "You can't just go out and buy a freaking puppy without telling me!"

"Fishy!"  Bri yells holding up Cookie "Look daddy!"

"You bought a fish too?"  He glares at me before looking at the fish "It's beautiful, Bri.  Let's set it down before it gets hurt."

"Hers Cookie."  She tells him "And doggy Cupcake."

He looks at me in disbelief. 

"Okay, I can maybe get along with having a puppy and a fish but no way in hell am I letting that dog be named Cupcake.  It's not happening."

"I like Cupcake."  Luke says carrying him inside "It's cute.  You let Bri name the cat Chocolate."

"Cupcake was named Cupcake when we adopted him."  I defend the name "We can't change it now."

"And look how cute he is, dad!"  Ari takes him and holds him up to Brad's face that he licks "See, he already likes you."

"Yeah, he's adorable."  Brad says sarcastically before taking and holding him "I guess I have to be okay with it, but you guys are in charge of cleaning up after him.  I already have the 4 of you."

"So we can keep him?!?"  Luke asks.

"Of course."  Brad laughs "But if he pees on anything of mine he goes back to wherever it is you got him."

The kids all run over to play with Cupcake leaving Brad and I behind.

"I can't believe you bought a freaking puppy."

"She was begging."  I laugh "I couldn't say no."

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