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"Hey mom!" Ari yells upstairs to Jen "Do you know where my phone is?"

"No!" Jen snaps back as she gets out of bed "Maybe you should keep better track of it!"

I lay in bed until she is out of the room so that I don't have to deal with whatever mood she is already in this early in the morning. Bri runs into our room a few minutes later in just her diaper which is not going over well with Jen, who follows her with her clothes looking pissed.

"Sabrina Rachel!" She shouts as she follows a laughing Bri into the bathroom. I take this as my cue to get up and try to help her out.

I walk into the bathroom where Bri is jumping around all over so that Jen can't get her to stay still and dress her.

"Sabrina," I get her calmed down "What did I tell you about this yesterday?" She looks at me and starts to yell something along the lines of "you mean, daddy!" Before slouching and walking over to where Jen is to get dressed. Once she's done dressing her, Jen just walks out of the room leaving me and Bri alone.

"Why mommy mean?" Bri wraps her arms around my leg letting me know she wants held "I bad?"

"Aw, princess," I pick her up and walk out "You just need to listen to mommy better." I don't feel like going into detail about whatever the hell is wrong with her.

I walk downstairs to make Bri's breakfast and see that Jen already left to run to the store and drop off Luke at his friends. Bri decides that she wants cereal so I put her at the table while I make the bowl for her and get my coffee while she eats and makes a huge mess.

"I done!" She exclaims as she hands me her empty bowl. I take it from her and start to do the dishes as Jen walks in.

"Hey," I look up as I finish the dishes "What did you get?"

"I don't know, Brad." She drops the bags on the counter "Why don't you just look?"

"Okay," I mumble to myself as I go through the bags pulling out ice cream, chips and jelly. I put it all away for her and walk into the living room where she is sitting with Bri watching baby shows crying at them.

"You okay, babe?" I ask as I sit next to her on the couch. She just shakes her head and leans into my open arms.

"I'm fine." She sighs as she remain laying on my chest. I kiss her forehead and look up to make sure that Bri hasn't noticed her mother's sudden mood changes. Luckily she hasn't even taken her eyes off of the show.

Ari walks into the living room and immediately looks confused. She turns towards the kitchen, so I get up to follow her and see what's wrong.

"Is mom okay?" She asks once we're both in the room "She's acting... weird."

"She's fine, just a little different today." I sit down at the table "I don't know what it is."

"Are you hiding something?" She sits across from me "Is she pregnant again? I'm not stupid I know you two have been trying."

"She might be. I really don't know." I answer her as I look into the living room and see Jen playing on the floor with Bri "It would explain a lot, but she hasn't said she is."

"So just go get her a test," She replies "You obviously want to know."

I think about it for a while before getting up and walking to our room. Jen bought some last month to take, but has some leftover in the box, so I pull them out and set them on the counter. I don't want to interrupt her playing with Bri, so I just go to my office to work on some things and wait for her to find them.

20 minutes later, Jen walks upstairs and into our room. I don't hear her for a while, so I figure she's taking the tests.

"Brad?" I hear a faint voice call my name. I walk out of my office to see Jen holding the two tests with tears falling down her face.

"They're positive." She stands in front of me emotionless.

"Well that's good, right?" I ask as I walk over to comfort her. She nods her head smiling.

"Yeah, I just can't help but think it might happen again." She looks down at the tests "What if it does?"

"It won't." I reassure her "Everything is going to be fine and you're going to have an amazing baby. You're going to bitch about everything and hate me for the next 9 months, but it's all going to be worth it."

"Okay," She looks up at me more excited and kisses me "We're gonna have another baby!"

"We are!" I kiss her back "And the kids are going to be so excited about it."
I know she's excited, just like I am.

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