This is Not Okay

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"Daddy!" Lewis runs up to me as I walk in the classroom.

"Hey, buddy!"  I pick him up "Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah, look." He shows me a bracelet wrapped around his Tony wrist "Leah make."

"Leah made that?"  I look at it closely "Did you take it?"

"Actually she gave it to him."  Mrs. Smith, the teacher walks up to me with Leah "He gave her the one he made.  It was so cute earlier."  I glance down at Leah's wrist and see that she has a blue, black and yellow handmade bracelet on it.  When I look at Lewis' wrist, I see his is pink, purple and white. 

"Down!" Lewis demands.  I set him down and he wobbles over to Leah.  They talk to each other in their little baby language while I talk to the teacher about what else he did today.

"Okay, Lewis, we have to go now."  I reach out for his hand.  He surprises me by ignoring me hand and grabbing Leah's instead.  They get closer to each other and hug, which is cute at first until they try to kiss each other.

"Alright, it's time to go."  I pick up Lewis shocked.  I'm not letting my 2 year old kiss some girl I don't even know.  That's too much.

"No, daddy."  He tries to get out of my arms.  I hold him so that he can't get out and walk out to the car.  He screams as I put him in his car seat because he's pissed at me.  I hand him some toys and get in the front to drive home.

"What's wrong, baby?"  Jen asks bending over to pick up Lewis, who is still crying.  She looks over at me confused "What happened?  What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything.  It was the teacher and whoever the hell Leah is from daycare.  I pulled him away from her."

"Pulled him away from her?"  She asks "What the hell do you mean?  They're 2, Brad, what could have happened."

"They tried to kiss each other."  I say angerly "All that idiotic teacher did was stand there and say how cute it was!  It's inappropriate and disgusting.  I don't like it."

"Aw, he has his first little girlfriend!  That's so cute.  Did she make you this?  Can mommy see it?"  She points to the bracelet Leah made "I love it."

"Yeah," He smiles "I makes hers."

"You did?" She asks "I bet she loves hers."

"Okay, that's enough."  I grab my keys "I'm going back and getting him switched into the other class!  The other teacher has them out doing sports and drawing and stuff.  He doesn't let them make out in front of their parents."  Jen rolls her eyes at me, ready to say something before I shut the door behind me.

I drive down to the daycare and walk right in the building.  Mrs. Smith notices me and motions for me to walk to her office so we aren't arguing in front of kids.  She stands on one side of her desk, looking very unamused, while I stand across from her beyond pissed.

"I understand you have a problem with Lewis and Leah's friendship."  She starts "What I don't understand is why.  They're just friends, I have kids here all the time that form little relationships, personally, I think it's adorable and not hurting anyone.  I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts though."

"You wanna know my thoughts?  Okay, well how about you do something real with these kids!  All 3 of my older kids have had Mr. Brown as their teacher and we have had no problems with him at all.  He actually teaches them and does things like takes them outside and teaches them the alphabet!  So far all Lewis has learned from you is how to try to kiss another 2 year old!  I want him out of this class!  He deserves a better teacher than someone like you."

"Okay well fine.  Get him switched.  Have fun with him while he's on the mile long waiting list."  She hands me some papers "I'd be more than happy to not have to deal with overly opinionated parents like you."

I grab the papers out of her hand and steal a pen from her desk.  Just as I'm ready to sign I hear the door slam and turn to see that I am now standing face to face with my extremely angry wife.

"Put the pen down, Brad!" She yells "What the hell is wrong with you?  She is a damn good teacher!  She was great with Bri when she switched to her class and she's been just as good with Lewis."

"What are you talking about?  Bri was switched out of Mr. Brown's class?"  This is news to me.  Jen always loved Mr.  Brown.

"Well, yeah,"  She gets quiet "I guess I forgot to tell you.  It was like 2 months before she graduated from here because she had problems with that one kid." 

"Okay, well I still don't like her!" I point to the teacher "She might be nice and all, but Lewis doesn't seem to be learning as much as the others or having as much fun.  They always hated it when they had to leave and he is always begging to leave."

"He didn't seem too happy when you forced him to leave today." Mrs. Smith says "He was having plenty of fun with Leah before you pulled him away."

"I pulled him away because you were about to let them kiss right in front of you!"  I defend myself "Every other day he's more than happy to leave."

"Okay, can we just get over this already?"  Jen tries to get me to calm down "I'm really sorry for all of this, Mrs. Smith, and even though I agree their little friendship/relationship is cute, it probably shouldn't be happening at school.  We do not need to switch his class, and if you can just help us teach him what is right and what is wrong, we promise we won't be complaining anymore."

I walk towards the door in defeat, knowing that Jen won this whole argument and wait for her outside.  She talks to Mrs. Smith for a while, and when she finally walks out says that everything is solved now.

"I'll pick him up from now on."

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