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Caleb's POV:

" It has been 10 whole years without you Bella, and what an eventful 10 years it's been." I say as I kneel down by her grave and lay a fresh patch of scented roses on top of all the hundreds of flowers brought down for Bella today. "I know it's been a couple of years since I last came and spoke to you and I'm so sorry it's been so long. But I want you to know that even though we only knew eachother for the last few months of your life you made such a big impact on mine. I have been in remission for 10 years now, and have officially been pronounced cured. Obviously today is such a bittersweet day because I want to be happy that I've lived without cancer for so long, but it's also been so long having to live it without you. Of course we've all struggled these last 10 years, but all we have to do is think about the strength and courage you had throughout your fight and how you got through it all with a smile, then I feel more positive that I can get through this hard time too..." I take a break to wipe away a few tears, there's so much I want to say and of course I'll never know if she's truly listening, but it's for me as well, to get everything off my chest. And I feel she needs an update on all our lives. Of course her family come to visit her very often, but I haven't been for a few years due to work and my family. And I feel I have some explaining to do. "Anyway... I'm sorry again, for not visiting more often. But I have some exciting news, I now have two beautiful girls, twins that is. Two admirable toddlers who I appreciate so much in my life, and probably moreso because of you. You made me realise how precious life is, and how delicate it can all be. So I cherish every moment I have with them. And because of this, me and my wife, Emily, decided to name one of the girls Bella. Emily was too, touch by your story and thought it was only right to honour you in such a way. My other baby girl is called Adeline. And I know they both would have loved to meet you. I'll bring them here one day when they're old enough, so I can teach them about the hardships of life and show them a bit of daddy's past. You were a big part of my life Bella and you always will be, I still see your family when I can, me and Christy have remained good friends to this day. She has been one of my most loyal friends over the years actually, and I still love to visit her and your family to check on how they're doing. And I'm sure you probably already know this, but Christy has a child now, a new baby boy, and I'm sure you would have been his favourite auntie... we all love and miss you Bella. And I think about you everyday. Thankyou for teaching me so much about my own life and what's truly important. I was so close to giving up with treatment until you came along, so without you, my babies would exist, and I wouldn't be leading the life I have now... now for the hard part. I'm afraid I won't be returning to see you for another few years, as I'm taking my family off to live in America for a bit. I've had a great job opportunity out there, and like we discussed on your last night, you should always follow your dreams. I'm following mine now, again, thanks to you. So as I say every time I visit, I hope you're still holding that piece of paper I gave you nice and tight, and I hope you're up there ticking off all the things we wrote down that you wanted to achieve. I love you Bella, and I'll see you real soon."
I then lean down and place a hand on top of her grave, as if waiting for something to happen. I never know what, but just something. As I take my hand away I look up to the sky as I feel a sudden gust of wind. The clouds above me are suddenly opening up wide, and in the middle, as if a gate made of mist has opened, the suns rays emerge and gaze down upon me and her grave. It's just for a few moments, then the clouds close again. For a moment there I really felt as if Bella was with me, taking in everything that I said. Feeling reassured, I walk away confidently.

Cancer may have beaten Bella, but Bella helped me beat mine. She was a very special friend and first girlfriend for me, and the first person I shared all my dreams with. My dreams may not be the same as they were 10 years ago, but that's okay, I believe everything happens for a reason, and meeting Bella is the reason I'm living those dreams today...

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