Chapter 9- Trying to be normal

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I shouldn't be back at college this early.
But any longer and my secret wouldn't be much more of a secret.

I stayed in hosptial for 2 weeks, had a weeks rest at home and now I'm back at college.

It was definitely one of the hardest 3 weeks of my life though.
The recovery process felt like it was never going to end. And it still hasn't ended really.
Yes, they got the tumours out. But I still have cancer in many places in my body, that don't want to leave me.
And that the doctors can't remove from me.

I've been very ill, but I've had a lot of comfort from my family. Christina has moved back home, and taken a break from university to help mum and dad look after me.
I need a lot of help to do things around the house lately.
So I'm not sure how I'm going to manage at college today.

I've told my friends that I went on 'holiday' for a while, then ditched last week because I was too tired to come back. They weren't really that bothered if I'm honest. They were a bit suspicious, but they all seemed to buy it.

Except for one person.

"So more time off again? You know you've missed a lot in lessons." Says Caleb whilst in our English lesson today.
"Yes Caleb, I've missed lessons. And I've told you before, it's none of your business why."
"I'm sorry, I'll just, I'll be over here."
I've known him for the least amount of time, but it's like he already knows me better than anyone else in the whole college.
I don't get it.


I've just tried walking through the canteen to meet my friends, but the noise and heat coming from them exaggerated crowds, was just too much.

I quickly step back outside into a quiet corridor.
I take a deep breath, to try and calm myself down. I get shooting pains in my stomach where I had my surgery. And I feel really dizzy.
But I try to shake it off and turn around.
But as I do, I bump in to someone's chest.
"Oh sorry,"
"You alright Bella?"
I look up and notice it's Caleb who caught me. In a way, I'm kind of relieved.
"Yeah, um... yeah I'm fine."
"You don't look too good."
"I'm... i'm..."and I suddenly feel myself falling...

"BELLA! BELLA!" Caleb shouts.
And then it all goes back.


"Bella I've got you, I've got you Bella."
I quickly wake up!
And I'm lying in Caleb's arms.
I immediately stand up.
"What happened?"
"You just... fainted. You're looking pale, and your very hot, you should probably go home Bella."
"I'm fine alright.... just don't, tell anyone what just happened."
"No, Caleb"
And I quickly walk away, trying to forget what just happened.


I've been spending the whole day worrying about the fact the Caleb watched me faint, and actually caught me in his arms. I mean, if he wasn't there, I don't know what would have ended up happening. He seems to always be there at the right time.

I bumped in to him again at the end of the day. And before he could mention the whole fainting episode, I decided to change the topic quickly.
I invited him to a party that I'm going to this weekend. It will be my first one in a little while, and I really do need to go to one. It will just lift my spirits with everything, and get me back in to the social crowd that Im familiar with.
At first Caleb was hesitant, but eventually he agreed. "It's not really my thing."
"Come on, it will be fun."
"I don't know anyone though."
"You'll know me."
"Yeah but-"
"And you will make lots of friends. Just get drunk, it's a lot easier to make friends that way."
"Drinking isn't really my thing."
"Oh come on Caleb, I'll pick you up from your house. Just for one night. Trust me you'll enjoy it."
For some reason I felt like we were going to be spending a bit of time with each other, so why not invite him to a party to help him get to know my world a little more?

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