Chapter 24 - The Beach

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I said my goodbyes to all the doctors and nurses, it was a bittersweet goodbye, as even though I know I am leaving and never have to go back, I am leaving to die...
It took some more convincing with my mother, but in the end she didn't have much of a choice. I know I've broken her heart, but atleast now we have some time where I can enjoy my life hosptial free. No matter how long that time may be. Dr . Adams basically told me I could have just weeks to live, but depending on certain things I may even be able to last a month or two. Cancer can't get any more emotion out of me, so hearing that just made me feel numb. I don't know if I can ever truly accept what's going to happen, but I'm at peace with it.
But leaving the hosptial wasn't a simple task. I really wanted to be able to walk out of the hosptial but it just wasn't going to happen. The nurses and physiotherapists tried lifting me out of bed and getting me to walk but I couldn't hold my own body weight up. This is hopefully only temporary, and when I get home I'm hoping to try and regain some strength. The hospice team said I could get a bit better before I get worse.
I've been given a lot of pain medication, and have been sent home with the oxygen. But they agreed to take the feeding tube out, I don't think it's neccesary to have one, I'll eat when I want to eat. I don't want anything like that holding me back anymore. They got me out of the hosptial in a wheelchair, and Christy and my brother Daniel helped lift me into the car.

We have a full house at the moment, with all my brothers and sisters staying at home in their old rooms, to spend some more time with me. No one really knows how long they're going to stay, we're just going to have to wait and see.
But it's nice to have everyone back together again, it's just a shame it's these circumstances that have brought us together.

My parents have spent the last two days ringing all my family members to let them know what's going on. I'm sure they'll all come to visit again at some point, but at the moment I'm just too tired for more visitors. I've spent the last two days, since coming home, in Bed, but today Caleb is coming over. And he says he wants to take me out somewhere.
He's the last person to tell about my terminal cancer, and I just don't think I can do it. But I want to have a good day with him first, I don't want cancer to ruin it.

Christy helps me pick something out of my wardrobe and helps me to get dressed. It's quite cold as it's February now and still winter, so we go for a pair of black leggings, and a white, short -sleeved top.
"You look lovely Bella." Says Christy.
"Shame about the oxygen."
"I barely even notice it anymore."
"But everyone else will."
"Don't care about anyone else, you have no one to hide from anymore. Come on it's just Caleb, do you know where he's taking you anyway?"
"No idea."
There's then a knock st the door and I get a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. That's one thing cancer can't take away from me ; my unconditional love for Caleb and his kind heart.
My mum lets him in, then my dad picks up my oxygen take and me and Carries me down the stairs. It's slightly embarrassing being carried down the stairs by your father in front of someone you fancy. But I know Caleb doesn't mind. He sits me in a wheelchair, then Caleb helps him unfold the ramp so I'm able to exit my house.
"You look beautiful Bella." Says Caleb with his charming smile.
"Why Thankyou Caleb." I say and chuckle a little as I know I don't. But he looks genuine as he says it, and I know he would never lie to me.
He doesn't even question the fact that I'm in a wheelchair, and still have oxygen, I'm guessing my parents warned him. But I hope they haven't told him everything.
"You ready to go?" He asks politely with a massive grin still pinned to his face.
"Of course. Where are we off to?"
"You'll have to wait and see."

He wheels me out the door and I wave goodbye to my family, as soon as They shut the door I relax a little. "Thanks for doing this Caleb but really where are we going? There's not many places you can go in a wheelchair."
He doesn't reply just smiles in an annoying but cute way. He lifts me into his car and off we go.

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