Chapter 10- Drinking my troubles away

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The final thing I do is secure my wig. It's always a lengthy process, but obviously the most important.
Out of all the other signs that could show I have cancer, the bald head is the thing that may give it away first.

Tonight I'm going to my mate Charlie's house party. It's going to be a big one. 45 have been invited, but word around college is many are planning to gate crash.
But it's fine, Charlie and his mates are usually too drunk to notice anyway.

As I'm about to leave, I quickly ring Caleb.
"Hey Caleb, so you ready for tonight?"
"Well... still not sure."
"Oh come on, I'm about to come and collect you now, my friend will be here with the car any minute."
"Wait... you mean there's going to be more people coming with us?"
"Mate, you're going to a house party. About 100 people are planning on coming, you're gunna need to be comfortable around a lot of people tonight."
"I mean I just don't know, it's already 9:00pm. It's getting a bit late!"
"9pm! The night hasn't even started yet! We've got to get you out the house. I'm coming now, be there in 15."
And I quickly hang up on him before he can say no.

I grab my bag, my phone, and I'm ready to go.
But then again, I'm stopped by my mum before I can walk down the stairs.
"Darling... I know there's no stopping you in going out. But I just want you to know, that you can talk to me whenever you want, about-."
"Yes mum I know."
"Bella, your mum is just trying to help." Interrupts my dad, john.
"Sorry dad, I know... and I will! If there's anything I want to talk to you guys about... then I will. Now I've got to go, my friends are waiting outside."
"Just be careful Bella, you're still recovering from surgery. And you're still ill. I don't want you to end up like you were the other night."
"I'm going to be sensible alright. Just... just please trust me. Now I've got to go."
I quickly walk down the stairs. But get out of breath as I do it. But I can't show my parents that, they'll never let me go out if they know I'm not feeling well.
But I never am, so there's no point in waiting for me to feel better.


We arrive at his house, Caleb is still shaking in the back seat.
"I don't know if I can go in Bella."
"Oh just chill mate." Shouts Hannah."you've been not stop moaning! . Bella why... why did you even bring him?"
"Hannah don't be rude. He's a new friend of mine."
"He doesn't want to be here."
"Just give him a chance Hannah, he can be a nice guy."
"Yeah well, you know I don't do 'nice guys'" she gives him a little wink then quickly exits the door, whilst laughing with Shannon.

"I'm so sorry about that." I say.
"That's alright. Didn't like them anyway."
"Now lets go in. Trust me, once you're on the drinks, you'll feel much more comfortable." I give him a little wink and a smile, then forcefully drag him out the car.

He literally walks in like a lost kitten.
Maybe it was a mistake bringing him here.
But I just try and stick with him, to make him feel more comfortable.
I hate to admit it, but I'm probably one of the nicest people in the group. I like to give people a chance. Unlike Hannah.. she just blocks people out with one glance at them.

"Hey my babe" Charlie rushes over to me and pinches my bum. Unfortunately, I haven't built up a great reputation when it comes to parties. Guys seem to think that I'm one of those girls who will literally hook up with anybody. Maybe in the past, I've done things I shouldn't. But that doesn't give them a reason to believe they can all use me.
"Heyyyyy" I say and forcefully remove his hand away from that area.
"You made it, who's your friend?" He says whilst constantly staring at me.
"Um... this is Caleb. New guy"
"Right, sup new guy? Come on in, you look like a twat standing in that doorway." I just grab his hand, and pull him in to the kitchen quickly where most others already are.
The house is already packed. Definitely more than 40 people. But Charlie doesn't care.

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