Chapter 4- The new guy

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I did gain a fever that night. The doctors were right.

But I didn't go into hosptial. My mum was begging me to, but I just shook it off at home. (Or by partying).
I did get very sick, throwing up every 20 minutes.
But I'm still alive. And that's pretty much my main goal for right now.

Today though, is the first day back of college!
It's my second year, and my final year.
I study phsycology, PE, and English.
I don't really know what I want to do with my life yet.
I haven't really had a chance to think about my future, because I've been stuck living in a world of cancer for so long.
But these are subjects that I really do enjoy.

My friend Hannah has a new car, so she drove me, Shanna and Ella all to college this morning.
It's so great not having to get on the bus.

"So Bella, you looking forward to this year? This could be the year you finally get a boyfriend."
"Ella! No, well I don't know. I don't need the pressure alright."
"Come on, you know Dylan likes you, and you like Dylan. So what's holding you back?"
"Nothing... I mean... I don't know."
"It's alright Bella, you know we're here for you if you ever want to talk right?" Says Hannah.
"Yeah guys I know. No secrets right."
"Of course, no secrets."
I feel bad lying to them all, but I've just got to do it. After years of lies, there's no way I could tell them the truth now.

We arrive at college, and there's a whole load of teens just standing in front of the college looking lost.
They must be first years.

We make it through the crowd, and then are greeted by many of our friends.
Like I said before, I'm quite well known around the college. A lot of people hate me, but then again a lot of people love me. And that doesn't really bother me.
It's only the ones that matter to me, that I really care about.

My group of friends have kind of been labelled the 'mean girls' of the college, after the film. I maybe see where they're coming from. But... yes, we like to party and get drunk a lot, but we're not horrible to others. Well... I'm certainly not.
I try and be friendly to everybody. I think it's just the fact I hang around people like Shannon and Hannah. No one really likes them. And I can kind of see why. They only really speak to people who go to parties with them, and do... I guess you could say... 'bad' things. They're very stereotypical, and don't give us teenagers a good image. But they're my best friends. And they're always there for me.

It's now 8:45 am, and my first lesson begins. Ive got English first. And there's no faffing around, the teacher gets straight in to it.

There's this one guy, who I've noticed is sitting by himself on the table in the corner. He's wearing a woolly hat, and a big jumper. He must be very cold.
I've never seen him before. He must be the new guy.
But he's not really talking to anyone. And no ones talking to him.
I feel like going over there and saying something, but (I know it's wrong) I've got to keep up my reputation. I'm currently sitting on a table of theee boys. Alex, Ryan and Leon. I'm really close mates with them.
They don't really work very hard in English, they're too busy staring at me or other girls.

I will admit, I'm a bit of a flirt. I always have been. And I do enjoy a harmless bit of flirting.
Alex, who's sitting next to me, grabs hold of my thigh. "Alex!" I shout quietly.
"What? You know you love it."
I give him a little smile, but then in the corner of my eye, I catch that new guy staring at me.
As soon as I stare back at him, he quickly looks away.


Whilst walking around the college today, I've greeeted more friends. And I've Been invited to another party this weekend.

Dylan is following me around like a sheep.

And it's really pissing me off.

He's grabbed me by the hip a couple of times, and pulled me in for a forceful cuddle. I just keep on smiling, but I'm really not happy.
I'm scared he's going to press on my stomach too hard, and cause me to vomit. The cancer doesn't go away once I go to college. I can never escape from my suckish life, no matter where I am.

It's nearing the end of the day, and during one of my breaks, I have to go into the nurses office.

The only people who know about my cancer are the teachers and the nurse. They have to know. But they've agreed to help keep it a secret for me.
They don't agree with it, but they've agreed to do it.

While I'm in there, I have to take all my tablets.
And trust me...there are many.

"Hello Bella, how was your summer?"
"Oh you know, the same. More chemo, more parties."
"Oh well how are things looking? Cancer wise?"
"The same. I don't really want to talk about it. Can I just have my drugs please and go."
"Yes, yes of course."
I have to take 6 different types of tablets. And 3 times a day. It really sucks. But it's part of what's keeping me alive.

Whilst in the middle of taking them. There is a knock at the door.
"Come in" the nurse says.
A boy comes in. And it takes me a while to realise it's the new guy from before.
"Oh hi Caleb, are you here to take your meds?"
"Yes, thanks." His voice is surprisingly deep. And he's tall. With a great bone structure. But that's just because of how skinny he is, I can't help but look at the size of his wrists and be shocked.
"Hi, I'm Bella." I introduce myself.
"Oh, yeah... hi." He seems very shy though.
"We didn't get a chance to meet before. I'm in your English class."
"Oh yeah. And why is that?"
"Why is what?"
"You didn't seem to want to say hi to me before?"
"Yeah, sorry about that. I...I just..."
"Don't worry about it, its fine." He says bluntly. I can tell he's judging me. But then again most people do. I'm guessing he won't be one of the guys who tends to take a liking to me.
And I'm fine with that.
I guess.

I was about to ask him what his medicine is for, but then I realise if I start asking questions, he'll start asking questions.
So I just stay quiet.

"So you're new here?" I say.
"Where did you used to go to college then?"
"Oh you don't need to worry about any of that luv."
"Um... alright then." He's rude, but still seems quite shy at the same time.
I guess I'm just a bit shocked because no ones really spoke to me in that way before.

We spend the rest of the time in silence.
As soon as i finish taking all my tablets, I leave, and head back towards my real friends.

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