Chapter 25- Its not my future

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It's been two days since I went to the beach with Caleb and I've been feeling exteremly positive about everything ever since. I've decided I will tell Caleb about my terminal diagnosis at some point, but not until the moments right.
My grandparents are coming over again today to check up on me and my family. I love my grandma on another level, we've always had such a special bond and I know seeing me like this breaks her heart every time.
Today I'm feeling the most tired I have been since leaving the hosptial. I haven't got out of my pyjamas yet, and Christy came and brought me breakfast in bed this morning. I didn't eat much of it, my appetite hasn't been great, but I try and eat some so I have a bit of energy for the day.

It's the afternoon and my grandparents have arrrived. By now I'm dressed, and im downstairs on the sofa before being kissed and cuddled by two worried grandparents.
"You're looking tired today Bella? Don't let us disturb you if you want to get some rest."
"No no I'm fine. I've been looking forward to seeing you guys all day."
"Oh that's lovely sweetheart."
My mum brings in a cup of tea for them both and they place it on the coffe table near to where I'm sitting.
"So how are you feeling?" My grandma asks.
"I'm so sorry this has happened to you darling, you really never deserved any of this." And unexpectedly I see my grandma beginning to break down in tears.
"No grandma don't cry! You don't need to worry about me, I'm happy and at peace with what is happening. I need you to know that okay?"
"Oh darling you're so brave! I could never do what you do and still have that beautiful smile of yours."
My mum has had to leave the room, I'm guessing to stop herself from crying. I hate seeing grown ups cry, always have, and especially when it's someone you love, and you know it's because of you. I don't just hate cancer for what it's done to me, but also what it's done to my family. It's destroying everyone I come into contact with, and I hate knowing I will always have that burden on me.

After a few hours of looking through old photo albums with my parents and grandparents, which was a nice thing to do, but everyone ended up getting a bit too emotional for my liking, I hear my phone go off from the other side of the room.
"I think that was my phone? Christy could you get it for me please?" I attempt to shout through the crowd of people surrounding me.
"Of course... it's a message from Caleb."
I quickly take it out of her hands, feeling suddenly energised as she mentions his name.
"He's asking if I can go round his?"
"What now?" My Dad asks.
"Yeah. Can I go mum?"
"What for?" She answers back in worry.
"He hasn't said. Can I please just go? Christy you'll drive me won't you?"
"Of course I will Bella."
"But Bella you're very tired today, I don't think more socialising will do you any good?" Says my grandma.
"Nothing will ever do me any good anymore.  I Can't get any worse can I? Come on he's my boyfriend, I haven't seen him in two days, for any non-sick person that's a long time."
Everyone looks as if they're contemplating it, but I only really need my mothers approvel.
"Fine you can go."
"Yes Thankyou!! Love you all, lets go Christy."
"What now?"
"Yeah whilst I still have some energy."
"Let me give you another hug before you leave Bella." My grandma says and squeezes me tightly.
"I love you grandma, you too grandad. But I'll see you again soon okay?" I say to reassure them that I'm not going anywhere for a while.

My dad then helps me get into Christy's car, but my mum and Hayley give me another kiss on the forehead before I leave.
"Don't do anything stupid." Mum says.
"Come on mum. Like I could really go anywhere while I'm like this? I just want to see my boyfriend, be back soon, love you all."
"Love you too darling."

I then shut the car door and Christy drives off.


It upset me a little how when I left everyone was acting as if I was never going to see them again. I might be dying, but I'm not going anywhere just yet.

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