butthurt :: chim

143 4 7

Note: the following contains, swearing, something unexpected, sounding like crack and random shit. okay, continue-

Loud music blasting as lights of different colors flashed throughout the building as everyone cheered. Some grinding on others while others would make out disgustingly with their partner or some other stranger on the side. Jimin made a disgusted face as he tried to push through the crowd to meet his younger friend- who sadly, was in the front.

"Yeah- hi, I just- need to- get around you." Jimin tried to say together as he tried to past couples who grind against one another on the dance floor.

"Excuse me- pardon me- please stop eating her face- move!" the now frustrated male shouted as some people around him grumbled something before they could move away.

"How's everyone tonight!" the DJ shouted into the mic as the crowd cheered as well, indicating how fun they were having- despite being covered in sweat and drowning in the smell of alcohol and lust. Jimin just scoffs as he continues to push through the crowd before bumping into a mint-green haired male.

"Watch where you're going kid." Jimin glared at the older male as he walked away before mumbling, "why don't you move you cabbage."

He was finally half-way until the DJ decides to drop a bass which caused everyone to jump, causing the boy to scream as he felt someone kick his butt rather painfully.

"Shit!" he shouted as he dropped in pain while holding his butt. "Who kicked my ass?! Was it you?, Or you?!"

People looked at him weirdly as his eyes widens,

"Was it you!?" He pointed to tall guy with pink hair as he shook his head, "I only break shit, not kick it-"

"Don't swear!" His partner shouted as they went back to making out on the side, causing jimin to scoff before holding his butt while shouting.

"Was it you- did you kick my ass!" Jimin cried as he pointed to a tall dirty-blonde who had a mole under his eye. "I kick a lot of people's asses- but not like that man."

After minutes of confronting many people and getting glares and shoves from others, he continues holding his butt as he reaches closer to the front, finally spotting his younger friend. He wobbles to him as he nearly trips and grabs onto a red-haired male.

"Hey, Hey! Was it you? Did you kick my my ass- it hurts really bad!" Jimin cried as the red haired stranger scoffs and shoves him off. "Can you at least take me to him!"

As jimin points to his younger male friend, the stranger only smirks before shoving him off as he approaches his friend. "Hey, I said get me to him- not flirt with him!"

He soon gets taken into the crowd as he is shoved once again much farther into the crowd until he ends up stuck in the middle. Feeling his butt burn, he starts to crawl as he grabs onto a man's shirt.

"H-hey, was it you? Did you kick my ass? I promise Ii won't be mad. Just tell me!" Jimin cried out as the man furrowed his eyebrows together. "What about your ass? Dude if you want that, you're at the wrong club bud."

The stranger pushes him into the ground before leaning down with a fist, "If you're gonna punch me- punch me anywhere but my ass!" The stranger gives him a weird look before walking away.

The butthurt male groans as he stands up while hissing before shoving in between a couple dancing.

"Was it you! You look like an ass kicker!" the man smiled at the 'compliment' as he nodded, "So it was you who kicked my ass!"

He waved his arms as it hits the girl behind him, her hair flies off as the guy gasps.

"You're not a girl!" he shouts at his 'girlfriend' as 'she' picks up her wig and places it on, faking her voice once again. "I am so!"

"Will both of you shut up- why did you kick my ass!?" the man's eyes traveled down as he realized what jimin was saying before laughing. "Oh! You mean that! I didn't kick kick your ass then."

"What!" the man shrugged as he went dancing, jimin groaned as he pushed through the crowd before meeting the eyes of the horse-face DJ who was cheering everyone on. As jimin shoved much faster trying to get to the DJ, he shouted, "Somebody kicked my ass!"

Little did he know the horse-face DJ recorded those four words as he hits play and starts to make a remake of those words, jimin glared as everyone laughed and started dancing. Jimin glared as he went around asking people... in the bathroom, in the dance cages, in the 'special' rooms. He cried in pain as he went back to the crowd, only to freeze as he heard someone shouting,

"Did you kick my dick!?" jimin followed the voice while walking in pain, trying to find the person as the voice got louder. "Hey, did you hurt my- omph!"

As they bump into one another, their eyes widens as they remembered their meeting from earlier. "Cabbage head!" "ki- what did you call me?"

"Did you kick my ass!?" the cabbage male shook his head as he made a twisted face, "Did you kick my dick?!" the younger male shakes his head as well.

"I-I just need you to tell me..." they both stare at one another as the crowd continues to dance the night away, there the two stood holding their dicks and ass as they stared at one another, never finding their answer. "Just tell me..."


"Fuck! Be gentle my ass!"

"Shit- my dick!"

They panted as yoongi thrusts into jimin as the bed creaked at the speed they were going, both screaming as their areas were still in pain, they continued shouting about them being in pain yet continued to have sex roughly in yoongi's house which was nearby.

After their "just tell me..." earlier they ended up making out on the side before running- well wobbling back to his house.

They were becoming loud as the neighbors could practically hear every sound. One opens their window as it was the same tall pink haired male from earlier- but who came out was his partner as he had a night mask on before shouting, "hey! Would you shut the hell up!?"

Although they didn't get their answer, they got each other... in bed.


This is some crack random shot lololol based on a video, if you know it bless you bc i love watching those videos aha :")

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