yugyeom's experience

110 8 4

Note: fucked up, necrophilia, limbs off, time off, and terrible one person pov


Yugyeom's pov

As i looked around, horrific sights stood in front of me as i remained frozen, shaking intensely as the loud piercing screams echoed in the room for 2 seconds only to be muffled down. As i looked around, no one was there until a bloody head dropped right in front of me.

I wanted to scream, but i knew that if i did, i'd be dead too. What made me sick to my stomach was when the head finally stopped rolling, and the head faced me as i choked a sob... it was my friend, jungkook.

He was very innocent, and frail. He didn't deserve this, but it could not be stopped as each of them died one by one, yugyeom ran and hid as he was the last and very far behind from the others.

i could remember the way i heard youngjae scream for help. It was absolutely terrifying as i decided to hide in the very back of the closet, and covered my mouth as i sobbed silently in it.

"Please spare me, i'll do anything for you. I-i didn't- oh please- NO!" youngjae screeched as he started getting stabbed multiple times in the chest. He was the first to die.

And then came jaebum as he bolted in, the killer was devious as he quickly hid behind the small wall, and once he had come through, the killer stabbed the back of his neck as he slashed it to the right all around.

He is sick.

I knew that they were still here, but i do not wanna risk my life. But then ag-

I froze as i heard someone get closer, and closer. My heart began to race as i held my knees close to my chest, i had hope that they'd disappear, but to my unlucky charms... they didn't. In fact, things got only worse as i could lean forward a bit, and look into the crack as my eyes widens.

There the killer was fucking jungkook's decapitated body as he shouted some foul words. I leaned back as i felt dizzy, and couldn't help but cringe, and wanting to scream due to the fact that he, the psychotic bitch, is fucking my dead friend's body.

As the man screamed, probably by him coming, he pulled out before pulling up his pants and continue to roam around the house as if he hadn't done anything. He seemed to have dropped a ring as it rolled in front of me. it looked awfully familiar. I hate people like this. I hope they die early, i hope they get punished, i-

The bed creaking made me freeze as i lean forward to look when all of a sudden a head pops up by the crack, trying to look inside. I immediately shift back quietly as the doors open, my breath hitches.

"Please, please, oh please." i silently beg to myself as i hid as far back as i could, the creepy figure came closer before hearing a large drop from downstairs as the killer looks back once more before running down quickly with his bag of sharp objects and riffle.

As i felt tempted to push my doors and make a bolt, a loud piercing scream cuts me off as i listen closely.... Hoseok hyung. All i could hear is a bunch of kitchen items dropping and falling before a loud gunshot.

My heart dropped.

Hoseok was such a good friend, and such an admirable person... he did not deserve this.

I wanted to scream, cry, and call the cops, but i couldn't. It broke down our only signal, and my phone died.

"Yugyeom?!" someone shout as i peeked through and saw hoseok panting, bloody on his bottom half. I bolt myself out of the closet before jumping into his arms, sobbing. He rubbed my back as i close my eyes, but then realization hits me. "Hyung, w-where's the killer?"

"H-he's gone... i killed him..." hoseok whispered as he hugged the younger male even tighter.. but then something felt fishy as it didn't seem to make sense.. The killer seemed bigger than hoseok, as if he was wearing a cost-

It can't be.

I stare at his fingers as i look at both hands, the blood in my body rushes away as i see something missing... his ring. I tense up before slowly walking back, trying to come up with an excuse. "H-hyung, i'm gonna use the bathroom.."

"Make it quick.. Who knows maybe he's still out there." i nod as i run out if the room, i run down the stairs to see jimin, mark, and yoongi's dead bloody bodies on the cold white kitchen floor.

Without a second thought, i run straight towards the door only to have it stuck as if someone had jammed into it, not letting me escape. As i turn around, i scream to see hoseok right behind me. "Why must you lie to me... yeommie?" his voice made shivers go down my spine as he slowly inched closer, i begged. "Hoseok hyung, p-please... please d-don't do this.."

"I was fine, everything was fine... but because of your stupid group chat from 10 minutes ago, i managed to kill everyone in... 8-9 minutes." he smiled wickedly causing shivers to travel down my spine.

It was currently 3:05 A.M., really early, yet so bloody.

"Hoseok, how could you..." i choked out as i felt his hand wrap tightly around my neck, squeezing ever so tightly.

"When they made fun of me, no one stopped them... usually i'd laugh, but i hate being teased." he gritted his teeth as i tried to pry his finger off. "H-hoseok, it wasn't a big deal..."

I felt the need for air as i gasp loudly, i knew i was turning into a shade of blue. I felt my life getting kicked out of me as i cried and begged for mercy. But it was too late. As the sound of large bone snappings were echoed,

I was a goner.


I gasp out loud as i woke up to a bunch of buzzing noises, i groan and swipe my screen to read a few texts.

Chimberlands: hoseok the horse, all alone in the farm

Hosechoke: tf kind of name is "chimberlands"

Papichupar: tf hosechoke, choke yo self

Chimberlands: well like kookie likes timberlands

Kookiesandmilk: well i don't like you

Papichupar: lololol

Jaellyfish: suck my left nut horse, don't fuckin try to insult

Hosechoke: tf, y u all hatin on me

Kookiesandmilk: they assumin u a fake hoe thats why.

Hosechoke: well i'm not.

Chimberlands: don be a fake

Papichupar: liar

Jaellyfish: lies

Seokmefriends: hoe

Namonthisdick: fake

Hosechoke: fuck you all, die.

Chimberlands: tch, fake.

My eyes widened as i look around, the time shows 2:55 A.M. ten minutes before the massacre... did i just go back in time?, i should stop this... maybe that'll save us all.

Yuggieeatass: guys shut up, leave hobi alone. He won't hurt us, so leave him alone.

[ message failed ]

"Screw you all." hoseok whispered as he slips on a mask and heads on out.

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