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"where is jungkook, he told us to come here" yoongi sighed as he leaned against the hard wall while taking a bite out of his candy

"maybe he had to do something" namjoon stated as he just shrugged

"but guys, he sounded like he was panicking" jimin stated as taehyung nodded.
as they all looked around the block for him, they still had no clue of where their younger friend went causing all of them to get worried as the light sky started getting darker

"let's split up, taehyung, jimin and hoseok you look near the alleys, namjoon, yoongi and i will look up and down through the buildings" seokjin suggested as they all nodded quickly before running seperate. since there were three different alleys, all three boys split up

"jungkook" hoseok shouted as they ran through separate alleys

"kookie!" taehyung shouted as he ran through the large alley, jumping over trash

"jungkookie!" jimin shouted while feeling guilty. 'i shouldn't have left him' jimin thought to himself and he ran even faster

as they continued to run, jimin stepped on something causing it to make a shatter noise and making him stop in his tracks. as he picks it up, tears start to form as a familiar lock screen picture appears causing him to quickly look around before pulling out his phone and texting all of them, come in through the second alley between the coffee shop and the music store... hurry!

as jimin paces back and forth, one by one the friends appear, curious as to what happened jimin explains the whole incident and finding jungkook's phone on the ground.

"this just isn't right anymore... jungkook never forgets his phone nor leaves it on the ground" yoongi stated as they all started worrying, especially jimin

"i shouldn't have let him walked off on his own" jimin cried as seokjin rubbed his back while whispering that it wasn't his fault.

"it is!... he knew that something was wrong yet i stayed back and left him on his own" jimin shouted as he let out a frustrated sigh

"guys!" namjoon shouted as he ran towards them while panting hard.

"namjoon! where were you? are you okay?" seokjin asked in a concern tone as namjoon just waves him off before reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a familiar red beanie.

"kookie's!" taehyung shouted as jimin grabs it out of namjoon's hand.

"there! keep running down... i saw a group of four guys doing- i don't know but just go!" namjoon shouted as they all ran, fists clenching and worried thoughts filled their atmosphere as to what could happen.

"did you think that we wouldn't find you here?" one stranger questioned as he kicked the figure who was on the ground surrounded by the four strangers

"i saw from above... and i think that the figure is-" before namjoon could finish a familiar scream caught their attention wide eyes as they turn to see one of the guys holding a medium size pole.

"how dumb of your friends to let you walk all by yourself.." one of them said as they threw a few punches. when the guys got a clear view of the stranger pulling back his fist, blood was covered around his knuckles.

"answer us! shit face!" one of them yelled as he finally used the pole and strikes the leg causing the figure to scream out in pain once again

"lift him" one stranger said in a stern tone causing another to grab the figure by the neck and slamming him against the gate wall.

as the guys got a clear image on who the figure was, taehyung dropped to his knees as hoseok did as well and screamed grabbing everyone's attention as the rest of them ran and started attacking the four strangers.

violence and madness filled the air as the guys started beating them up harshly, showing no mercy as to what they did to their younger friend. as more strangers randomly appeared it stopped to a total of six strangers total, evening out the amount between the two groups as jungkook sat on the side hoovered in pain and agony.

"jungkookie" jimin whispered as he turned his head for a moment, a stranger comes and punches jimin right in the face causing jimin to stumble back a bit before dusting himself off and grabbing the pole on the ground, which was dropped by one of the strangers who yoongi was now beating uncontrollably and swung it, hitting the stranger.

"your friend is worthless" the stranger spat as jimin started turning red and full of fury, he starts attacking the stranger and punching him non stop until the stranger doesn't seem to move.

as jimin turns to check out the rest of his friends he sees seokjin pulling two strangers heads before bumping them roughly against one another and then jumping onto the one that tries to attack namjoon.

"j-jimin..." jungkook whispered as he spots the only familiar face but only to be pulled roughly by another stranger

"you won't see them" the stranger spits out before lifting him and holding him by the neck before turning and seeing that his men were all bloody and down.

"you want him?!" the stranger shouts as he grabbed their attention. they all moved slowly before walking closer but that only made things worse when the stranger runs towards the busy road, quicker than the others

"come any closer, and he's a goner!" the male shouts as he pushed jungkook slightly towards the edge

"don't!" hoseok shouted as the stranger smirked before shoving him and running. and as if in slow motion, as jungkook falls, tears stream down their faces as everything turns silent. as namjoon, yoongi and hoseok successfully catch the stranger and beat him brutally, a bright light brings their attention as a car comes and hits jungkook with it's full force, not able to se that they had just hit him.

"jungkook!" jimin shouted as they all ran at the broken body laying right in the middle of the road.

"jungkook... jungkook!" jimin repeated as he tried to lift the body lighlt, seokjin stopped him and explained that it could break him even more if he tried to move it.


few months later

after that incident, things were never the same again. they never had their fetus there to make fun of... they never got to celebrate his 20th birthday.. they barely started going out together because if they even tried, there would always be one of them or all of them crying. basically they separated.

hoseok moved away to who knows where. all they know was the fact that he moved to a different state but for therapy sessions since he was the closest to jungkook.

namjoon tried to get a job to keep him distracted, but that didn't seem to work when people were to ask for cookies from the cafe, he'd either break down or become angry.

yoongi just remained in bed constantly looking at his side and would either drink the pain away or hold their picture together, scream and break everything around him

taehyung would just wear hoods constantly and drink, ignoring anything and everything around him when he'd walk outside to buy more alcohol

seokjin would just constantly go to a flower field that he and jungkook had discovered and lay around the white roses while letting tears drop as he looked up.

and jimin? just like hoseok, he'd not talk or want to move. he tried seeking help but then he'd have dreams of that night and regret everything he's done.

the day they all finally leave the house was surprising to all of them as they hit their destination. seeing one another broke their hearts as they hit their point and looked down while each of them placed their flowers

Jeon Jungkook
Sep. 1, 1997 - March 3, 2016
last words, "i'll be alright, i am alright"

as they all read the tombstone, they all couldn't help but burst into tears, missing their best friend.

"no you weren't" jimin whispered as he placed his flowers down and wrapped their friendship necklace around the tombstone before they all said their words and walked in separate directions knowing that nothing will ever be the same again

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