bruises & stains;yoonseok

371 18 19

everyday yoongi would go home with bruises on his knuckles and blood stains on his lips as if he'd gotten into tons of fights, while hoseok would always be there to clean and patch him up. he finds the bruises and stains quite interesting, but not as interesting as to what goes on with the older male.

of course he'd get concern and worried, but the older male would always push him off and change the subject. although they were extremely close, recently he's been feeling as if they are acting so far away from one another. he just wants to be held and see the older male smiling once again... but that had been becoming rare.

as hoseok just continues to write in his notebook, their living room door shuts emitting a loud slam noise, indicating that the elder had finally arrived. but as he checks the clock, it's 3:05 am

"yoongi, what happened?" hoseok asks in a concerned tone, but like always he'd get waved him off as the older male walked upstairs. yet that didn't stop hoseok from looking at the bruises on his cheek and knuckles and the blood formed on his lip and from the end of his right eyebrow.

instinctively, hoseok ran into the closet, grabbed his first aid kit and ran into yoongi's room. as he held his hand out for yoongi to take, the older male slowly did as they both walked into the bathroom, yoongi sat on top of sink as hoseok poured some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton swab and dabbed the cut. just a small dab made the older male hiss as the younger would appologize. the older male just squeezed his hand and shook his head, proving that he was okay to keep going.

"how did this happen?" there was a brief moment of silence as the only thing that could be heard, was the vicious rain suddenly pouring down.

you see both yoongi and hoseok had problems... one would get into a lot of trouble for entering danger which ended in him getting bruises. while the other had no self confidence, causing him to do things to himself which ended up with stains on his sleeves.

"how did that happen?" yoongi pointed at the bandage in his arm as hoseok quickly covered it and looked up at him

"don't change the subject hyung..." hoseok whispered as he dabbed a few more before applying ointment and putting a bandaid on it.

"give me your arm"
"you need to explain"

"it's none of your business"
"then my arm isn't none of yours!" hoseok yelled as they both just stared at one another, yoongi jumped off from the sink before walking out, not even speaking before grabbing his wallet and walking towards the door. hoseok felt worried as tears brimmed his eyes, he didn't know where the elder could be going.

"where are you going?!" hoseok's voice cracked as yoongi froze while holding the door knob, he slightly turned back before opening the door and slamming it behind him as hoseok broke down in tears.

'he doesn't like you that's what'
'he's leaving your pathetic ass'
'how could someone like him ever love you'
'move on from him, jimin likes him'
'just die'

all those words repeated in his head as he suddenly felt like something was choking him. he screamed out his name in anger. he was always there for the elder. why wouldn't he just tell him what was wrong...

as hoseok opened his eyes, he found himself on the bed with a blanket wrapped around him as his eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light, he sighed before getting up and looking at his phone to see another hate message from another unknown person.

from: private number
to: hoseok
i saw yoongi, he looked really good

from: private number
probably because you weren't with him

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