my cute neighbor; yugbam

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yugyeom has never seen his neighbor for about his whole entire life. strange right? he's seem the parents, and siblings but never the youngest and apparently they're the same age. what could that person be doing in there for 19 years?

although, he's had a knowing of his name and gender but no more than that. how did he figure it out? by throwing paper balls into his open windowed room most of the time.

what's your name?

that's odd

oh you're a real person

what did you think i was

nvm, but name pls

bambam is my nickname so yea

im yugyeom

i didn't ask

rude, so your a boy?




and with that the neighbor had stopped chatting with him and closed his windows, earning a sigh from yugyeom. however as he slowly got off from his bed, he noticed something different. the window was open and the curtains were slightly parted, giving him the chance to see a bit.
as yugyeom leaned close and peeked, he saw a male sitting on a desk, reading. he had light brown hair, glasses on and seemed very focused on what he was reading.

yugyeom's mouth opened a bit as the male turned his head a bit, giving him a clearer view of his face. he looked.... beautiful. yugyeom could feel his heart rapidly beat as he kept staring at the male. that was until he got caught, and finally everything revealed as bambam ran up to his window. he had his hair to the side and had no glasses on. he looked very attractive. he shouted, "don't peek in here weirdo!" before shutting his window and closing the curtains.

yugyeom could only chuckle as he shook his head
"cute, he thinks that this is over"

the next day, it happened again. maybe his mom and dad wanted him to know more about the outside? then again, i haven't been seeing them... where are they?

bambam just did the same thing, read. but this time there was another boy in his room. for some reason yugyeom felt a burning sensation in him, he didn't like seeing the other male. he kept staring through the window until the stranger caught him. as he tried to hide, it was too late

"hello there!" the guy revealed to be a smiley blonde haired male.

"jackson, leave him alone" he could hear bambam's voice. no matter what he says, it always makes his heart flutter.

"no, would you like to come over, ignore my cousin's stubbornness" yugyeom sighed in relief as he heard that they were related. he shyly peeked his head out the window and smiled

"aw he is cute, you're right" jackson "whispered", well more like talked a bit louder, earning a groan from bambam

"come over, i'm making pizza" jackson smiled as yugyeom nodded


as jackson opened the door with a smile on his face, he let yugyeom in as he returned the facial expressions.

"where's bambam?" yugyeom questioned as jackson chuckled and points upstairs as yugyeom smiled and thanked him, he ran upstairs almost immediately and knocked on his door, figuring that it was his since it was the only one closed.

"i'm busy, leave" yugyeom chuckled before opening his door to reveal bambam laying down on his bed, reading. what is he reading? why is he always reading?

"you know it's rude to just enter someone's room without given permission" bambam stated as he didn't even bother to look up from his book. yugyeom just stared around his room and admired his ceiling the most. it was painted like the galaxy and had stars painted as well

"well you know it's rude to talk to someone and not look at them" yugyeom fired back as bambam put his book down and finally examined the male in front of him, his heart fluttered. he looked quite.... cute.

"so we didn't properly meet, i'm kim yugyeom" yugyeom smiled as he sat on the edge of his bed and held out his hand

".... i'm kunpimook.... but you can call me bambam" bambam whispered as he shook his hand, sparks.

"we haven't introduced ourselves since we were 14" yugyeom giggled as bambam chuckled

"okay love birds, pizza is ready" a stranger appeared causing the both of them to jump back in surprise

"hyung!" they both shouted, then facing one another in surprise

"how do you know him?" bambam whispered
"my cousin's boyfriend" yugyeom whispered as bambam let out a silent, 'oh'
"he's my cousin as well" bambam whispered as the male questioned him

"you're related to youngjae?" the stranger questioned as yugyeom nodded, he smiled

"cute, im jaebum by the way" jaebum smiled as jackson shouted, "pizza's getting cold losers!"

"let's go yeommie" bambam whispered as he grabbed yugyeom's hand and grabbed him out, they ran downstairs to be met with a familiar face

"yeommie" youngjae cooed as he ran and hugged yugyeom tightly

"babe, i think he's dating someone now" jaebum smirked as they all looked down to see yugyeom's hands intertwined with bambam. but as bambam tried to pull away, yugyeom just held tighter

"bammie is cute" yugyeom teased as he saw bambam's cheeks tint a shade of pink and hid behind yugyeom, they all laughed.


it was getting late when the three older males bid them a goodnight and farewell as they left leaving the two younger males behind.

"you called me yeommie earlier" yugyeom teased as bambam slapped his shoulder

"are you finally warming up to me" yugyeom giggled as bambam rolled his eyes. right now they were just laying on his bed, facing one another as they talked.

"you're quite annoying" bambam groaned as yugyeom smiled

"we should sleep" yugyeom yawned as bambam nodded and closed his eyes, a pair of arms wrapped around him as he looked up and to see yugyeom smiling with eyes closed.

maybe he was warming up to the younger male. he's quite cute.

bts oneshots (+more)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora