Chapter ten: Bad Blood

Start from the beginning

Then about two seconds later, Master Yang shows up. He puts his hands on the bars and stares down at me.

"Cole," Master Yang sounded surprised, "It's been awhile since we've seen each other."

"Yes it has," I replied, "How's the Departed Realm?"

"Quiet," Yang said, "Goodness gracious! What is that thing on your neck?"

"A shock/tracking collar," I answered, "You see, I accidentally got myself into a lot of trouble."

"So I've heard. And I assume you came to me for answers?"


Master Yang sat down next to me as I stood in front of him. Yang hung his head down like he was thinking.

"So let me get this straight. First you shoved your friend down the stairs, then you destroy a restaurant, and last you tore a hole in the wall."

"How did you know?"

"I'm no different than Master Wu, Cole. A Sensei knows just about anything."

"Are you sure? Do you know-"

"Yes. You're having issues with your friends, the manager Sadie house arrested you and your father has been keeping secrets from you."

I sighed, "Okay. What should I do? And do you know why my powers are acting up?"

"Perhaps I can help. Let me see your hands."

I put my arms through the barrier so Master Yang could have a closer look. When he grabbed my right arm, his hand felt like a cold gust of wind that doesn't go anywhere. I think that's what I felt like when I was a ghost.

He studied it then grabbed my left arm. He did the same thing. But when he turned it and pressed on my wrist, which it hurt, a glowing green crack appeared on a flower next to us. Yang gasped then pushed my arms away.

"I see what's going on," Yang replied, "You're powers are shifting."

"How?" I asked.

"There can only be one reason. You have the power of the Yin Blade inside of you."

"What?" I choked, "But that's impossible. I destroyed it."

"Yes. But remember, that weapon is very powerful. A shard of its glass must've found its way into your hand when you unlocked your 'second potential'. Every piece of that blade has dark magic in it. So its power might have traveled through your blood stream and on its way to the brain and other parts of the body, feeding on your life source. The power can easily take over your nerves, causing it to have a mind of its own and do what it must."

"So I'm doing all of this because of the Yin blade?" I questioned, "I guess that makes sense. How do I stop it?"

"Well, you can't stop it."

"That's not an option, how do I make it stop?"

"I told you," Master Yang stated, "It's impossible to get rid of it. It's already in your blood. There's nothing we can do about that. However, you can learn to control it, depending on how your emotions work."

"I don't get it," I said.

"You see, Cole, your emotions are divided, and they live in the depths of your heart, coming to  the surface only when you feel positive or negative. There are only two options. You can either control your feelings and use your powers the right way....or you can be overwhelmed by its power, lose control and sanity, thus using them the bad way."

"W-wait," I stammered, "You're telling me that I might lose control and become the Overlord?"

Master Yang lowered his head, "I...I'm afraid so."

I began to panic, "Oh no! No! No! No! No! NO! I'm bad to the bone! My heart is black! It has to be from me and Jay's stupid fights!"

"Calm down Cole! Yang cried, "We all have a dark side. The solution is to not stifle with it, but to accept it and continue to be yourself."

"But..." I paused with sad eyes, "I don't know who I am anymore."

"Hm, well you have to understand and to accept or reject many things. So I suggest if you want to stop losing control, you must start from the very beginning."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you need to dig inside your feelings to take control of yourself. You have to know and accept the two parts of you."

"What if I can't?"

"....then Ninjago will be in chaos."

I sighed. What else is new?

"I wish I could tell you more," Master Yang said, "But the rest is beyond my reasoning. I hope what I said was enough."

"It's plenty," I smiled, "Thanks Master Yang."

Master Yang nodded then got up on his feet. I walked off then stopped behind the Temple. There was a cruel bar next to the vent that Nya was using earlier. I grabbed it then began to use it on my tracking collar. With all my strength, the collar finally snapped in half.

"Bingo!" I cheered quietly.

Now that I was free, I had to find something in order to control my powers. Who knew that my emotions were causing them. Master Yang said that I needed to start from the beginning. And I think I knew just where to look.

My father's house.

It has to be. I discovered a room I've never been before. Maybe that can fix it. But then I remembered. My dad already moved into his new house. My heart sank. Who knows where that room could be now. But guess what...

I'm gonna go find it.

I looked at my watch. It was 10:30 at night. My dad is probably asleep by now. This was the perfect time.

I had the address to his house. I created my dragon then flew southeast.

It was time to end this for good....

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