Chapter 78: How I want to end it.

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He, more then likely has food and a good water supply while I'm here starving my baby. When it comes for me to fight him, I'll be too weak.

But, just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I've lost. It doesn't mean I'll stop, doesn't mean he can push me around.

But just because I'm hurting, doesn't mean I'm hurt. It doesn't mean that I didn't get what I deserve, no better and no worse.

I'm still in this, granted he has the advantage. But every door is not locked.

He might be a big fish in a little pond, but that doesn't mean he's won, because along may come a bigger one.

Then he'll be the one with the disadvantage, I just need to wait till the shine wears off.

I'm not ready to face him at this exact moment, but that doesn't mean I'll never be able to face him.

I chew on the inside of my gum in an attempt to trick my stomach into thinking I'm eating.

I miss Cato so much. I want him to hold me tightly and tell him he loves me. I want him to hold my hand, I want him to send shivers all over my body.

I want him to tell me it's okay. I want him to tell me that he'll be there for me forever. I want my old life back.

I don't want anything to do with the Capital anymore, I don't want to come in contact with they're exuberant people.

Clara isn't a real Capital resistant, but Darcy, Ceaser, Patriciea, Zeus, President Snow, I just want them to go away and leave me alone.

Maysilee will be able to come home with me, Enobaria is probably after having the baby, Roni is probably dating that boy, Nevaeh is talking, Carlee is visiting, I'm almost out.

Keyword; Almost.

Everything is settling down, Cato and I and Nazera and this baby can be a family. We can live in that house in the meadow by the lake and the tree with the tyre swing. We can get married and grow old together.

But there is just one tiny detail that I've missed in that perfect story. I am still in here, I'm still in an unknown location, fighting for a crown.

I still need to beat Titus. I still need to knife him, I still need him to pay for what he made me do to Faye. And Gloss.

He still needs to regret his actions, like I do mine.

He needs to know what pain and suffering he put us all through.

His canon still needs to boom through this terrible prison cell. He needs to fall to the ground, choking on his own blood.

He needs to go to sleep for the final time. I don't care if he volunteered for his grandfather. And I know he didn't want to come back in here. Once you've been in here and dealt with the consequences, you'll do almost anything to not go back in.

But on the other hand, look at the destruction and grief he caused us.

People like that can never, ever change. He wore the crown once, and once is enough for someone like him.

I need to go home. I need to, it's not a want, it's a physical need and if I don't get to go home, I'll be killed in here. So will Cato's child.

I need to go home. But first, I must kill once more, hopefully it's my last kill ever. Hopefully I'll forget it, but I need to kill Titus.

Something I shouldv'e done when I got the chance a few days back when we met in the jungle.

I left him there, I didn't feel like our fight was over. And if I had killed him, Faye and Gloss would still be here.

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang