Chapter 74: The Edge.

Start from the beginning

I can't do this.

I stop dead, receiving a hushed thank you from Faye. We could easily climb the trees.

That could easily climb the trees also.

I begin to run again, my breathing is hitched and I feel, in a way, like I'm dying.

Within four seconds, Gloss has past us out, Aloe on his heals. Faye glances over at me but I take no notice.

I pull her again to keep up with the two of them. We power ahead after we hear a roar from behind us.

"Damn it!" Gloss curses. I stop running like they did.

"Wha-" I begin to ask but stop when I notice what's wrong. There's no where left to go.

We can't run back into the jungle, but the only other place seems to be down. Down the cliff to the water below. It's about a 70 foot drop, easily.

I look at Aloe who is looking at Gloss. "We're not, are we?" she asks, fear evident in her voice.

"Well, where else could we go?" he snaps at her.

"Gloss this is ridiculous! You'll get us all killed!"

"No, the reason I'm even considering that idea is so we won't be mauled to death! Is that what you want?" he replies.

"Guys, we need to think of something fast, 'cause that thing is coming!" Faye squeaks quietly. I squeeze her sweaty hand.

"We're jumping." Gloss commands.

"No, babe I don't have a good feeling about this. I swear to you-" Aloe begins but Gloss presses his lips against hers.

"Shh. We'll be fine. Do you trust me?" He assures her.

"Em-" she starts.

"Enough talk, that is here!" I practically scream. Gloss runs at the cliff and jumps off without a second thought.

Aloe warily does the same and I hear her scream as she does so. A petrified scream.

I charge at the edge of the jagged cliff eith my eyes closed and my lock still on Faye. She squeals.

I run until I'm practically floating in midair. I warn myself not to look down, I squeeze my eyes shut.

I feel my stomach rise upwards as I descend downwards. I feel everything I've eaten in the past few days rise back up my oesophagus. It burns.

I end up falling with my stomach facing the water. Almost like some weird dive.

Faye hollers my name from beside me, but in all honesty, I'm too scared to reply.

Momentarily, that fear turns into adrenaline and I feel a huge buzz. I almost grin as I fly through the air.

I feel, at that exact moment, invincible. I feel like I can take on Titus or Bria. I could even take on that.

I felt like the old me again. And boy, does it feel good to be back.

My thoughts are shattered when I hear a splash down below, followed by another splash in seconds.

I'm next.

When I hit the water, I make sure my legs are facing downwards so I don't do a 'Belly Flop'. I take a deep breath and give Faye's shaking hand a little squeeze.

The cold water -and it is cold-, bites and knaws away at me. It snaps at my bare skin.

I open my eyes to see nothing but a very dark shade of blue. I can't touch the floor so I kick my legs until I reach the surface.

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Where stories live. Discover now