She words a "Shh!" to me and I take her advice. She tip toes over and crouches down next to me. She pulls a small knife out from my belt and takes it in her hands.

Every so carefully she cuts the ropes that bonded my hands together. She pulls the rope away and I wince as it tuns over my burn marks once more.

I rub my wrists as soon as they're free and I throw her a wink to say thanks. If I wanted, I could run right now. I could run away from Aloe and Gloss so I don't have to see them die, I could even bring Faye with me.

But it's too late, when a canon booms through the arena, the birds fly up into the sky, screeching in feer.

Aloe and Gloss snap their heads back to make sure Faye is alright, but once they catch sight of me, their eyes widen.

"Clove, you're awake..." Aloe says with fake cheer.

"And free..." Gloss hisses looking directly at Faye. She looks at the ground nervously. Gloss sighs, almost if he's been defeated.

"Clove..-" Gloss begins, ushering Faye away from me.

"I'm bipolar Gloss, not a monster." I snap at him and it seems to shut him up. Faye swats his hand out of the way and resumes her position next to me.

"Who do you think that was?" she asks us innocently.

"I don't know. Webber died in the jungle fire yesterday and then this one, there's six left."

"Wow.." Aloe mumbles in shock, where did all the time go? How did the numbers depleat so rapidly? Have I been in here that long already?

"There's the four of us, and it definitely wasn't Titus anyways. So it was either Lloyd or Bria."

"Mm.." I reply to Gloss' theory. "Gosh where has the time gone?" I mutter more to myself then to anyone else.

"We'll find out tonight anyways." Aloe assures us all.

"Speaking of tonight, we have no food-" Gloss starts.

"Again..." I moan.

"So I'll go hunting and fill up the water bottles, Faye, will you come with me?" Gloss asks Faye. I hear her suck in a breath and I pity her for a second.

"I guess I will..?" she states but it turns into a question.

Gloss smiles at her and nods approvingly of her decision. "Gear up Faye, we're leaving now. Is that okay?"

"Um, yeah? I mean yes, that's fine." She mumbles and fumbles for her supply pack. She slings it over her shoulder and slots her arms through the loops.

I hand her the small pocket knife and she nods gratefully at me. She takes her slingshot and runs over to meet Gloss at the edge of the clearing.

"See ya later!" Gloss calls back to us before disappearing into the dense jungle that is getting darker by the second. Faye gives us a little wave before following him.

"Sure God love her, she's petrified isn't she?" Aloe asks and I follow her back to the shelter. She begins to blow on the fire to bring it back to life. "Sorry 'bout drugging you earlier today."

"I'm used to it." I tell her.

"Really?" she gasps and I laugh at her reaction. "I got such a fright when you didn't wake up after like an hour or so, I thought I put you in a coma."

"Been there, done that." I joke and she throws me a cheeky smile before she re-ignites the flames. She takes a seat next to me and stares at me for a few seconds.

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя