"Nyma? Can I..." he motioned to the glass on the table, to which Nyma quickly got the message.

"Here you go."

The young man sat up with a quiet groan, using whatever strength he could muster before taking the glass into his hands. Shiro gently sipped the water, wanting to avoid a stomach ache from drinking too quickly. His head felt heavy, like tons of bricks were weighing it down. He noted it as being a simple effect of the fever, and he could only hope he would recover soon.

I have to find the others.


It was safe to say that Shiro was beginning to get some of his strength back, but Thace was right, it would take him a few days to heal properly, maybe even more because of the fever. At least there was only one thing that needed to be stitched; the rest consisted of minor bruising. Memories of what happened before he awoke in the infirmary of Telenum's ship were nothing but broken shards, it was hard to remember. Bits and pieces, that's all he could see.

"You definitely look a lot better, Shiro." Nyma commented, her white crop top with dark purple lining and matching skirt standing out in the basic looking room. The colour in his face was without a doubt returning, and the sweating that seemed to consume the entirety of Shiro's skin had reduced greatly.

Whatever's in that water, she thought to herself. It's definitely helping. Thace really knows what he's doing. Don't worry, Shiro, it's going to be okay.

"Damn," Rolo said, turning from window. "There's so much life out there, i've never seen anything like it. I wish you could see it for yourself, Shiro."

"It's beautiful." Nyma added, crossing one leg over the other. "There's a bed of flowers by the river the aquallia is from, it's absolutely amazing. Once you're better, you'll have to come with us so you can see it. I think you'd like it."

"I'd like that." Shiro said, picturing a gorgeous scene of flowers before realising there was something he had forgotten to say to both Rolo and Nyma.

"Listen..." he began, sighing afterwards. "I know the last time we met, things didn't go so smoothly. I appreciate you and your new friends looking after me, and I can see that you both have definitely changed. But, there's also something else I want to say, and I don't remember much before I came here, but I-"

"I'm terribly sorry to disturb your conversation, Shiro, but I would like to give you this. You must be famished."

Thace held a bowl and a decanter in his hands, while Telenum held three more bowls. It wasn't until Shiro got a closer look at Thace, did his eyes widen with shock.

Thace is a...Galra? What? That explains why I was seeing purple, but...why is he here?

Fear wasn't the first emotion to set in; instead it was that of confusion. Shiro had several questions that he wanted to ask, but he knew they could be saved for another time. Why was a Galra helping him? Why was Thace on a princess's ship, let alone second in command? Why did Telenum, Rolo and Nyma trust him? And more importantly, why was he being so kind towards him?

Shiro couldn't find it within himself to run, the lack of energy being to thank for it. Instead he continued to stare at Thace with the emotion that had overcome him. Thace knew exactly what to expect, and after putting the decanter of soup down, he slowly walked to the side of the bed, sitting on the same chair he had sat on before.

"I understand that this may come as a surprise to you. I can sense that you have been through some very traumatic experiences, and you must believe me when I say I know what that's like. Whatever you have had to face because of my kind, I am terribly sorry. I will never justify the wrongdoings of Zarkon, as he too has caused me misery. I promise to tell you more, but for now," Thace eyed the soup and bowls. "please eat."

Shiro couldn't deny that whatever was in the decanter smelt incredible, not to mention he was starving. It reminded him of home, of when his mother would make soup for him when he was sick (or when he'd make it for himself on cold days). Telenum poured some soup into a bowl, proceeding to use a spoon to sip the contents, wanting to avoid burning her tongue.

Rolo and Nyma mimicked the princess's actions, briefly glancing at each other awkwardly before eating. It followed by Thace preparing some soup for Shiro and handing it to him, then pouring some for himself.

"Be careful. It's still a bit hot."

Shiro only nodded in acknowledgement, a silence filling the room as the five went on to eat.

I suppose in this case, Thace thought to himself. A silence such as this is only natural. I understand Shiro's caution; I would be the same if I were in his situation. Whether he likes it or not, getting him back to health is currently my top priority. I will have to search for the Black Lion tonight; I cannot wait until it's too late. I was going to wait until you were well, but I can't sit here and do nothing. I'm sorry, Shiro.

Heathens 【VLD Fanfic】《COMPLETED ✔️》जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें