Chapter 18

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This chapter has a rated R scene so when it comes up you will see ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' when it begins and finishes so if you don't like that kind of stuff please don't complain, just skip it. :)

Sorry for being so late i had a few detentions and really annoying teachers!! :( Grrrrr

The song on the side inspired me for the 'naughty scene' *wink wink*

PTW this is my first time doing anything like this!!


"Ew, not in the same room as me," I heard Aunt Meg squeal like a teenage girl, I raised an eyebrow at her immature act. "What, all you teenagers get away with saying that to you parents when they show PDA, why can't I?"

"Just ruined the moment," I said before giving Kieran a peck. I focused on the hug and his warmth than whispered; "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He whispered back.


I woke up with Kieran next to me in my bed. I snuggled in closer to him and closed my eyes. Then my eyes shot open and realised that Keiran was in my bed and had probably slept in it all night. I looked down my body and scrunched my nose in disgust at how dirty my clothes were.

I tried to lift his arm off me so I could at least change but the only thing I succeeded in doing was being even more squashed into his body. "Kieran let me go, remember I'm stronger," I said to him knowing his was awake but he still pretended to be asleep, "I can't take my clothes of if your holding me." I said and his eyes shot up wide and he let me go.

I got up and walked to the door, "I thought you were taking your clothes off." he complained.

"I am, just not here, I'm having a shower, idiot," he looked up at me and grinned.

"Yeah I'm pretty dirty too, to save water we should just shower together, you know, to help the environment and all that." He wagged his eyebrows when he mentioned showering together.

"Or we could just have really quick showers, alone." I smiled and left the room.


It was so nice to have a shower and get all the dirt off. I got out of the shower and dried myself off then I went to put clean clothes on but found none, remembering I never brought any into the bathroom with me.

I wrapped the towel around me extra tight and crept into my bedroom hoping Keiran went downstairs. When I entered my room I closed the door quietly but ended up slamming it when I heard a wolf whistle from behind me.

"I knew you wouldn't go back on your promise," I heard his voice from behind me. I turned to see Kieran grinning at me. His eyes filled with lust, slowly taking my appearance in, soaking up every curve and imperfection. "Can I just say that towel does nothing to hide your figure when its that tight."

I wasn't sure whether to blush or raise a questioning eyebrow. So I just stared at him.

He got of my bed and walked over to me slowly as if he was trying to make the moment more intense. When he stood in front of me, he made sure there was no space between us. Our fronts just touching, like a light caress.


His hands landing on my hips, pulling me closer to him. One hand travelled up my body passed my breasts to the nape of my neck leading my lips to his. He tried to make it soft and slow but there was too much lust and heat travelling through our bodies.

He pushed me against the door and I froze thinking, oh God Aunt Meg is going to hear us if we go any further. "We have to stop, I don't want an audience." I said sadly leaning my head against Kieran's chest.

"She left before you woke up, I think she was meeting one of her friends." He whispered in my ear, causing multiple shivers to run through my body. He pulled my head back up to his to start an extremely passionate kiss that should be illegal in some countries.

I felt him tug at the towel asking for permission. When I didn't stop him, he took it as an OK and the towel became history. I pulled at his shirt ripping it into pieces. I didn't care if he wasn't as muscled up as all the other male werewolves he was still hot.

I started to walk towards the bed without breaking the hot and steamy kiss, Kieran got the idea and placed me on the bed. He moved his lips to my neck where he bit, nipped and sucked, leaving a couple hickeys. But he didn't stop there, he moved down my body to my breast and just the thought of him sucking them made my nipples harden. I felt him smirk on my skin before his hot, moist tongue started working it's magic.

My hips jerked up when I felt him softly bite one of my nipples and I heard him groan. His other hand started to play with my other breast. Then switched. His head started going further and further down my body leaving a pleasant burning sensation where ever he touched. I was so lost in his touch and my lust that I didn't even notice him between my thighs and I gasped when I felt him so close to my core.

I felt his hands spread my legs further apart and in that moment I never felt so vulnerable and I loved it. He started to lick the inside of my thighs and my hands went down into his hair. Then the moment I had been anticipating, his large hands pushed my feminine folds apart and his tongue started to run up and down my clit. I pushed my hips up to give him more access and moaned when his tongue dipped inside me.

I came right on the spot when he added two fingers. "OK I can't hold back much more," Kieran said.

"Thank heavens," I replied than sat up and pulled his pants along with his underwear off him so fast he probably didn't even see me do it. I looked down at his large and pulsing manhood and a shiver went down my spine from the excitement. 

I bent down and grasped it in my hands and gave a slow lick down his rod all they way down to were my hand was. I heard him groan and swear. In the back of my mind I heard my wolf whisper that I shouldn't be doing this but she was glad we found everything we wanted in a mate that was in a completely different person.

After I gave Kieran a sensual blow job he pushed me onto my back, spread my legs and paused. Noticing that I hadn't stopped him he pushed his cock inside me. I gave a quick painful and surprised grunt before making many moans of pleasure. He pounded in and out, faster and harder when I demanded. I came and Kieran quickly followed. We both layed on the bed looking at each other, smiling. Kieran opened his mouth to speak ,but all to soon Aunt Meg came home and we had to get up and try look like we hadn't just had sex.

When we were about to leave, I tuned and looked at the bed and laughed; it was a mess. There was one pillow left in the top corner and the blankets we all falling down the side of the bed. I turned to Kieran, "Your pretty good for a full human." He just smirked and winked.

That was so sexy I would do him again even with Aunt Meg down stairs.


I was eating some toast with aunt Meg and Kieran and I couldn't help but feel nervous, that somehow Aunt Meg knew what we were getting up to while she was gone.

"So what were you two troublemakers up to?" She asked biting her lip, obviously trying to hold back a laugh.

Oh God.

She knew.


end of the chapter :)

sorry it took so long but I there a lot of teachers that hate me and I hate them!!

Guys...You just can't win!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu