Chapter 10

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I was drenched in disappointment which turned to surprise as I realised what just happened, I turned around to look at Kieran who had the biggest genuine smile on his face, his usually dull green eyes alight with joy and happiness, “well I’ll just have to settle with this,” he said and gave my cheek a quick kiss but it was too late his smart ass attitude had ruined the moment.


Shock was clouding my sight; since that little incident nothing has working in my mind, when I tried to think about what I was seeing I was seeing nothing, just a blur of colours that weren’t making a coherent picture.

Finally something was programming through my brain but all it was, was an annoying, buzzing tune. It took me a few moments to realise that it was my phone going off. I looked down at the device and brought it up to my ear since it was the end of the day so I wouldn’t get in trouble, “hello?” I asked still trying to register what was happening.

“Nat, I haven’t heard from you in ages, where are you? Everyone’s been worried that you caught some horrible decease and that’s why you’ve been gone a month!” Bridgette says from the other end, something snaps in my head and everything becomes clear.

“No Bridge I don’t have some deadly decease I’m just living with my aunty,” that reminds me I need to call them soon.

“WHAT! You just left what happened to the good old ‘see ya soon Bridge’? Huh?” Bridge went on, her mini lecture rivalling any person with authority lectures. “But I’m calling because there’ rumours going around and one of them is saying is saying your materejected you? Then Indigo says it’s true, why does she think it’s true and if it is how come she found out 3 weeks ago, yet here I am completely out of the circle?” Oh o, wow karma really does come around and bite you on the ass.

“Well you see, I was having a bath when Indigo texted asking why I wasn’t there and I told her because a complete prick rejected me,” I gave a nervous laugh and pulled the phone away from my ear as soon as I had finished replying to her.

“You mean YOU WENT A MONTH WITHOUT TELLING ME!” It wasn’t a question more of a statement, “did you just forget about me or something, am I that annoying to you that you would give me the cold shoulder, look I know I can embarrass people sometimes but to do this to a friend well that is heartless,” Bridgette said coldly, it was one of her weaknesses how she just jumps to conclusion with no evidence, saying one word and she just assumes everything, you could be in an ice-cream shop and say ‘I hate’ and she would automatically assume that you hate ice-cream even though all you said was ‘I hate.’

You could be saying ‘I hate waiting’ or ‘I hate when it’s rainy’ but she does have her strengths, “you have one chance to explain or you can kiss my toned ass.” I loved her use of adjectives.

“Going through it was hard, and having to text it once was even harder, I was hoping Indigo would just tell all of you,” she sighed, obviously I had one her over.

“So you just left? We could have helped you through it,” she really was a nice friend.

“No my parents went on a holiday and I did get to meet a sexy Irish boy,” I told her, Bridge has a weakness for accents; she stands there and literarily drools.

“Really? How would you feel if I came and visited you for the weekend and hung out or maybe even for the rest of my life?” We both laughed knowing she would ignore everything but the sexy Irish boy.

“I hope by sexy Irish boy you mean me,” Kieran said from behind me and I had to clench my jaw from letting a shiver run down my spine, which meant I had to stop laughing, Bridge stopped laughing to noticing I wasn’t any more.

“Nat? You there?” She asked but I was way too aware of the body behind that I would never admit.

“Yeah, um hang on just a minute,” I pulled my mobile away from my head and looked at the reason for my sluggish brain all day, I gave him a nice smile, “yeah?” I asked him.

“I was just wondering if you wanted to come over today.” He asked, I hadn’t noticed that I had never been over to Kieran’s house before; maybe I’ll be able to find out why, whenever he leaves my house to go home, he always looks sad.

“Yeah sure,” I felt giddy and excited to be around him. He gave a smirk and turned away, he took a several steps than turned back and walked back to me, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered “see you then and feel free to wear nothing,” at that comment I slapped him on the arm and he stood back up straight, “I was just joking about the last part but if you want to give me a heads up so I can evacuate everyone out of the house because from what I heard wolves like it rough,” he winked and I rolled my eyes but really, you can’t stay mad at him.

I heard a slight cough coming from the phone and realised I hadn’t covered the mouth piece so Bri would of heard that all. I shoved Kieran away and started talking to Bridge again, “so you and Irish boy are in a relationship, you could have told me instead of getting my hopes up,” she whined but only playfully, “and he knows about us?” Bridge was also a werewolf.

“Yeah him and his sister found out when Sam shifted about a week ago,” I said and I heard her squeal, she adored Sam and sometimes was a better sister to him then me.

“What colour is he, and why did he shift so early?” She asked so excited she maybe my age but sometimes she acted like Sam’s age.

“He’s hot pink and we were playing monopoly when his mate said ‘I hate you right now’ because she had to pay him $1000 jokingly of course,” I said, looking back on the memory it was pretty funny why he shifted but at the time it was like being in a horror film and for Kieran and Siobhan it was a horror film in 3D.

“HE’S HOT PINK?!” She yelled down the phone and I just laughed.

“I wish, but no he’s orange like an orang-utan colour with hints of brown through it,” I said to Bridge thinking about my brother being hot pink wouldn’t that be one hell of a sight.

“Well I better go so you can have some Irish fun ,wink wink, don’t go to wolf on him,” she said I started to blush,  no matter how much control a person has she can break with her inappropriate but hilarious language.

“I’ll try and I might even take up his offer,” I replied sarcastically but Bridge just played along.

“You go girl,” I laughed then hung up on her and waited for Aunt Meg to pick me up but I felt a hand grab mine and when I looked up I saw that it was Kieran dragging me to his car, I blushed harder when I thought of what was running through his head after probably hearing everything I just said.

“It would be easier if you just came with me instead of getting Megan to come up just to drop you off,” he said hoarsely which meant he was having some pretty crazy thoughts and now I was going to his house, with him, this will be interesting.


End of another chapter :D

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