Chapter 4

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Dedicated to evanescence1256 for becoming my first fan :)


He looked a little taken back so just to add salt to the wounds, "I hope you enjoy everything you have right now because you will eventually fall and fall hard, power makes people crumble to the ground." With that I left heading straight to my bike and going home where I was sure that there were going to be a few tears tonight.


I would love to say I was an extreme badass who had awesome parents that let me pack up my stuff and help me to runaway because of all the pain Alex has caused me, but sadly that's not my life and would never happen.

I came home to hear my mum giggling in another room, 'don't think about it'll just scar you for life,' I thought to myself.

"Oh Nat is that you? Could you come here for just a sec?" My mum said sounding serious, what just happened to my giggling mum, I think I liked her more than serious mum.

I walked in the room seeing my mum and dad sitting on separate sides of the couch, giving each other the cold shoulder, wait, what the hell is going on with those two.

I stood at the doorway glancing at them trying to find any emotional clues on their faces, "Oh, you might want to sit down," I slowly made my way to the chair , not taking my eyes off of them, something was up and I needed to focus more which was actually pretty tiring for such a lazy person like me.

"Well, um, me and your father are going on a vacation to...try and safe our marriage," I snorted in disbelieve, their marriage was fine, especially since they are mates but I t thought of the things I could do while they were gone and immediately perked up.

"Cool so I'm guessing you're going to leave me in charge of the house, since Sam can't and Tim is so irresponsible and would just play videogames with his friends," I said with a massive smile on my face.

"No, none of you are responsible and how could you even take care of two boys?" Mum said with a smug look on her face.

"Oh, I have my ways," I said which probably didn't help but I couldn't help saying it because last time mum and dad left for the weekend I found a whistle that I used to torture my brothers with, even though I had to wake up early it was so worth it.

"Still not happening, anyway I already organised for your Auntie to pick you and Sam up at 7 tonight," ok mind overload so many things were running through my head.

"Wait at 7, when are you leaving and what about Tim, where's he staying?" I couldn't believe they didn't trust me and thought I was irresponsible.

"Oh, well where leaving in an hour and Tim chucked a tantrum and said he was staying at a friend's and the best part is, we have an open ticket so I'm not sure when we're coming back so you have plenty of time to bond with your Auntie." My heart dropped.

An open ticket.

Mum and dad left but I stayed seated hearing mum's words going over my head again and again, 'and the best part is, we have an open ticket.'

Eventually I had got up and packed my bags and just in time to because Auntie Meg had just pulled up at the house and was honking at us to hurry up.

I got all my bags and Sam's bags and hopped into Meg's car, "Hey Auntie Meg," my little brother Sam said in such an adorable way that the man with the coldest heart couldn't refuse a smile.

"What's going on fredo frog?" Meg asked Sam, that's her nickname for him. "And what about you Nat?"

"I'm pretty good considering I get to spend time away from one of my brothers," Meg just laughed and started driving.

It was a 2 hour drive to Meg's house from ours so I soon began seeing the signs of insanity in myself, I would talk to myself or see what the world looks like when my eyes were cross eyed but it wasn't because I was bored it was the complete opposite; my mind was going over drive, replaying everything that happened at school from the moment I got there to the moment I left.

It wasn't all just because of Alex it was because I was embarrassed, how could I of been so stupid? How could I of not seen the signs? Why didn't I just let things flow instead of taking things into my own hands? Why?

Finally we made it to Meg's mansion and every worry left as I thought of that huge bath with bubbles and... "Nat come on you're not getting any closer to the bathroom by just sitting there," Meg laughed and I was pretty sure it was at me. I laughed too.

When we got inside Sam ran to the kitchen, probably to attack Meg's chocolate, while I ran to the bathroom, I heard Meg yell, "Dinners in an hour."

I filled the bath and was walking around the room, to excited to sit down or stay still, finally I jumped in causing bubbles to go everywhere and I started laughing, maybe my parents not trusting me was a hidden blessing because I sure could get used to this.


End of chapter J

Not one of the best chapters L

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