Chapter 11

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I'm happy that I made it past 10 chapters :) I think we should celebrate!!! If only you could make toasts on the internet...this is completely unimportant but I am really sick of writers saying give me 20 votes, 10 comments and 2 fans and I'll upload again, there really annoying :(

ALSO A PIC OF KIERAN ( Logan Lerman even thpugh he doesn't have green eyes just picture him with green eyes!!!) -------------->


"It would be easier if you just came with me instead of getting Megan to come up just to drop you off," he said hoarsely which meant he was having some pretty crazy thoughts and now I was going to his house, with him, this will be interesting.


The drive to his house was stiff and awkward and that was the easy part. His house was...different. It was a one story house with the front lawn full of weeds but there was shown the slightest bit of effort because the grass wasn't up to your knees. Then came the inside which was nicer then the outside led me to believe.

It was clean but everything was old, the couch looked like its springs would pop out any minute and I was too scared to sit on the wooden chairs since they looked like they would crumble at the slightest pressure. Looking at his house I feel the urge to just put him in a suitcase and take him back to Aunt Meg's house.

He then took me up to his room which was pretty awesome, plain black blankets, beige carpet and every inch of the walls covered in posters of rock bands and other singers, which was the awesome part. I grinned at his love for music.

"Um yeah it isn't much but I like it," he said shyly which made me smile.

"It's pretty awesome, defiantly you," I laugh, he gets this evil grin on his face and put his hands behind his back, he starts to slowly lean in. My heart rate started to pick up a little, ok a lot but I would never admit that to him, there are a lot of things I will never admit to him or anyone for the pure reason being that it was embarrassing.

When there was almost no space between each other, his hands move in front of us, "wanna play with a ball or would you rather a stick to fetch?" I could almost slap him for what he just did but he wouldn't be Kieran if he didn't do such annoying things.

"Sure," I say in an exasperated tone, he just laughs and ruffles my hair, I growled in response, "don't forget I'm stronger than you." In return he starts to glare at me, the next thing I know where having a glaring contest, I stood on my tip toes to try and intimidate him which makes him laugh at me again.

"Come on Labrador, we will settle this in the backyard, may the best man win," he taunted me. There were so many things wrong with that statement and where did Labrador come from? Is he calling me a dog, he is too, I'm not a dog I'm a bloody wolf there's a big difference. "Calm down doggy, do you want a pat?" He said in voice that reminded me of people who are obsessed with their miniature chiwawa and had way too much money, that baby talk but for animals.

"Move it before I throw you outside," I growled at him.

"Meow," he said while making a claw like shape with his hand.

"Wolves don't even make that noise." Realisation hit him and gave a sheepish smile, God he was stupid sometimes.

I walked out the room and started to walk in a random direction, "this way my eager beaver," he said while putting a hand over my shoulder and steering me in another direction.

"First the Labrador, than the cat and now the beaver, really what are you going to call me next an elephant?" I said playfully.

"Well now that you mention it, you are getting a little round," he said while pocking my stomach. He just called me fat! Not every wolf is a stick with a brain, most of us, but not all. I'm average with blob as a stomach-small enough so that I can actually see my feet. I defiantly have some meat on me but most of it is muscle. I punched him the side and got the satisfaction to hear him groan in pain.

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