Chapter 15

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Awesome person: StormySkyDiver for getting me hooked on a new book that I'm always going to be reading, so if I take ages to upload blame it on her!!

Going on holiday so won't update till next week :(


"Oh that," I started smiling evilly, "was a preview of some of the things I did with Kieran," small white lie, "that you won't get to experience again." Even if some of it was a lie, it was worth the expression on Alex's face. Well it was worth it until he got so angry that his wolf came out, from that moment on it was no longer funny just scary.


I felt a sense of déjà fu looking at the beige wolf again. It baffles me to think I went 17 years without seeing Alex's wolf once then to seeing it twice in roughly 2 days.

"Wow, if I knew it was that easy for you to lose control I would of done it when you were kindly escorting me to the last place I wanted to be. Would of given me something to do, not that I was short in entertainment. That reminds me how's your forehead going, still deformed?" I rudely said to him.

I received a menacing growl but that didn't stop me, "your right it's not your forehead that's deformed, it's that brain of yours inside that's deformed."

He pounced at me and I jumped on the bench top but he could still easily bit my feet. I looked around the room, looking for a possible escape route. He tried to bite my right foot; I quickly moved my foot but lost my balance and fell on the bench next to the fridge to my left. I shot up to miss another attack, and then hopped on top of the fridge that was too high for his teeth to reach me.

That didn't stop him from trying to jump and bite me but I was still just of his grasp. Every time he jumped I could hear his nails digging into the metal of the fridge, creating an ear-splitting screech that made chills run down my spine. If I thought I was scared before I was pissing my pants now. Even though I'm a werewolf and grown up around them, it was still scary to see an oversized, soon-to-be-Alpha jumping up to rip your throat, while you're on top of a fridge.

He started slowing down a bit, only jumping up occasionally; soon he wasn't even jumping just resting at the base of the fridge. "It hurts doesn't it? Being teased and insulted, it makes you angry. That anger then takes over and you have no control, the anger only allows you have only one desire, to make them feel the same pain or in other words get back at them. Not every person goes after revenge or even show that their angry but I guarantee you that 99.9% of the time, it would. Think of this as an experience in the other person's shoes and sometimes just think about what you're going to say." I said calmly after I got my breath back. I didn't hear him move or make a sound and I finally thought someone got through to him.

I peeked over the edge of the fridge to look at what he was doing but only narrowly missing teeth. Damn and I thought I was finally getting through to him.

Alex's POV

Unbelievable, she's sitting up there talking about her feelings and shit like that and doesn't even consider my feelings. Doesn't she know that all I want is her down her so I can just tie her up and export her to the nearest dump site? Hopefully I can get my little sex buddy, Monique, to get her and her friends to scare the crap out of Nat. After Nat leaves I could prove to my pack that she was weak and nothing more than a liability. I could start Monique's task now, I got up and saw her eyes over the fridge and started jumping again. I'll show her whose deformed.


End of a nasty chapter

Thought I might add Alex's POV for a change and to prove that he's still cold and heartless.

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