Chapter 16

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AWESOME PERSON: mgwescoat I think she voted for every chapter :)

So I hope it wasn't too long of a wait... thanks for reading up to this point!!! Even if it has been a little difficult to read with all the errors... :)


Alex's POV

Unbelievable, she's sitting up there talking about her feelings and shit like that and doesn't even consider my feelings. Doesn't she know that all I want is her down her so I can just tie her up and export her to the nearest dump site? Hopefully I can get my little sex buddy, Monique, to get her and her friends to scare the crap out of Nat. After Nat leaves I could prove to my pack that she was weak and nothing more than a liability. I could start Monique's task now, I got up and saw her eyes over the fridge and started jumping again. I'll show her who's deformed.


Nat's POV

I was surprised that he still had the energy to keep jumping. Jump, scratch, and land, jump, scratch, and land. Again and again. He didn't know when to just give up. Eventually it started to really bug me so I looked around the room, hoping to find anything that could help me get out of this situation.

I couldn't run out the room because Alex was in wolf form and would be faster than me. I couldn't see any possible weapon that I could access quickly and could actually cause damage to him. I was stuck here, no way of escaping until he passed out from fatigue.

The late afternoon sun hit my eyes so I covered my eyes with my hand to block the rays. How long have I been stuck up here? It was only noon when I went out. Too much has happened in one day and my body was starting to hurt. No way could I sleep on a couch, even if I wanted to.

I froze and looked back out the window despite my eyes' protests. Of course! The window! I would need to just break some glass though but I could deal with that. I waited till Alex started his decent from a jump than I made my move towards the window.

As assumed Alex came after me. Since I was now on the bench top, he had access to my feet, which made breaking glass just a little harder. I jumped up to avoid his mouth but I ended up jumping on his black nose. He jerked away quickly, causing me to lose my balance. I fell back towards the window but not even the glass stopped my fall. I fell straight through the window and landed on the dirt surrounding the cabin. I felt little stings all over my back and arms.

When I looked at my arms I saw little pieces of glass sticking out of bleeding cuts. I looked back through the broken window to see Alex's tail leaving the small kitchen. I bolted away from the cabin to the area that I had been warned to never go near. I hoped that was just a legend that Alex had used to try scar me.

While I was running I pulled out as many pieces of glass as I could reach. I knew I would still have a few minutes before Alex caught up, considering it would be pretty hard a wolf to open the only door to exit the cabin.

I kept running, but I felt like I was running from my problems. The last time I dealt with Alex I had only left because my parents needed to 'fix' their marriage and I had to stay at Aunt Meg's house. As much as I hated to run, I had to; I was not staying there any longer.

Maybe I might get lucky and I would run past a McDonald's, there everywhere you look. Even if it was disgusting food.

It was only about 10 minutes after I left the cabin that I started hearing feint steps behind me. In front of me there was a slight glow. Maybe I will go past a McDonald's after all. The footsteps were getting louder but all I could focus on was the glow in front of me.

I was pushed from behind and fell on the dirt. I rolled over to see Alex standing there with no clothes on. I should have figured out sooner that I wasn't hearing wolf paws pounding on the ground chasing me but human feet. I quickly focused my sight to a tree, which made sure I couldn't see Alex and got up.

Guys...You just can't win!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon