Chapter 9

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Sorry for not uploading soon but I’m feeling the dark side of school, that time of year when teachers just don’t stop giving you homework, exams, assignment etc :(


I wasn’t one for tears as you probably know but this occasion was an exception, I could act like that ditsy girl in a romance book just this once, I ran up to my a cried on my bed thinking how things started out bad than got so much better, then hit rock bottom.

I got more than I bargained for.


All I could think about is his hurt green eyes that seemed to tear a piece of my soul. How could I become so venerable? I didn't even know I liked Kieran; it just kind of hit me but now that I look back I can see how a tiny rush of excitement would run through me and how I couldn’t help but smile when I was with him. Love is a trick of the heart to fool the mind.

I hadn't seen him in a couple days because of the suspension but still he hasn't come after school and Sam says that Siobhan hasn't been hanging around him; she's terrified of Sam now and he's crushed. 

After Sam shifted for the first time we realised that Siobhan was actually his mate and he was rejected, wow we are really hated, it’s unlikely to be rejected but extremely unlikely for two siblings to be rejected in less than a month!

I’ve been kind of lost for those couple days, nothing to look forward, just going by slowly, very slowly but tomorrow that will all change because I will go back to school and face him.


I wake up the next and almost get knocked over by the amount of emotion that is going crazy inside me, nervous, excited...scared. I’m terrified of what might happen today. I had this small glimpse of closure and it was amazing and I can’t let that go, it means too much.

I couldn’t seem to get to school soon enough but when I did my emotions only seemed to intensify. I looked around and my heart dropped; I couldn’t see him anywhere, he knew I was coming back today, I bet he decided to not come today specifically because I was coming.

I didn’t want to give my feelings any more reason to multiply so I decided to wait til 3 period where I have math with him then I’ll know for sure if he’s here or not, wow sounding kind of desperate and stalkerish now.

Since the world is hating me right now it felt like forever since 3 period came around, when I walked into the classroom I felt like a volcano erupted inside me, like leaving a window open and all the papers are flying around in a big white mess. I wanted to sit in front him like I used too but I didn’t at the same time but there was no were else to sit besides the werewolves or the teacher, it just happened to be that I was kinda avoiding all 3.

I chose to sit in front of Kieran because I was going to have to face him sooner or later and at least there are people here so I know that he won’t do anything and he probably knows that I won’t do anything, mutual ground.

I don’t know where people get the idea that they can feel eyes burning into the back of their heads because I sure didn’t I only felt self conscious that he might be looking at me, he could be too scared or disgusted to look at me.

It was only until I actually left the class room that I tried to talk to him but to my complete surprise he started first with a slight, caring smile, “It’s good to see you survive suspension.” I stood there completely shocked, nothing is moving in my head, he gave a quiet chuckle and I could have cried to see I had my friend back.

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