Chapter 14

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I haven't done a dedication in a little while so I dedicate this chapter to bella-234 she is just overall awesome!!

I'm thinking off dedicating each chapter to an awesome person, it's pretty simple I'll choose someone who I think is awesome and dedicate the chapter to them but the best part is they don't need to be a fan!! what do yout think?


I walked after her and into a small room. I heard a small giggle from the next room but ignored it. Then I heard it again but this time it was louder, I turned to look behind me and saw my parents having the time of their lives in only a dressing gown to cover them.


"Hello mother, father, what brings you here? I asked in a fake politeness.

They froze and looked up at me. "Nat, what are you doing here, I thought you hated pack communities." My dad asked, completely avoiding my question. Mum was looking anywhere but me and the receptionist lady was slowly leaving the room. She could probably feel the tension in the room. I don't blame her I would do the same if I didn't want so many answers.

'Well I was just attacked and captured, only to be brought to the last place I want to be and met up with my parents, who were apparently going through marriage troubles. Now back to my question what are you doing here?"

"We are fixing our marriage, just like we told you guys," my dad said back obviously because my mum wouldn't.

"Interesting place to go on a 'holiday'," I said while looking around the small hallway.

There was an awkward silence between us for a few minutes until the receptionist came back, "Um Alpha Natalie, Alpha Alex is requesting you," she nervously.

"Wait you’re the new alpha Female, oh that’s so good to hear," my mum said looking extremely happy.

"If all goes to plan, I won't be here much longer," I replied emotionlessly.

"What plan?" My dad asked, clearly upset that I would turn down such an over. After all being an alpha is the second greatest honour after being on the council, if only they knew why I wanted to leave.

“The plan to leave,” I responded. I was still pissed that they went here for their holiday that was total BS to begin with. “Hope everything works out, bye,” I said before turning away and leaving the store.


When I got back to the small cabin I saw Alex watching TV on the couch with his feet over the armrest, the same couch I’m now going to have to sleep on. “Finally your here, did you make any friends?” He asked still looking at the TV.

Why would he care, what was his angle? “Yes? No?” He asked only making me more confused.

“I ran into a few people I know, why?” I wearily replied, I saw him trying to hold back a smirk.

“Good can you stay with them tonight, I have company coming over.” My mouth dropped. If I wasn’t mistaken I would say that he had a girl or girls coming over just after he dragged me here to help him. “Close your mouth it’s not very lady-like or attractive.” He still hadn’t even looked away from the TV which was playing some soccer game.

“I’m so sorry I’m doing something you don’t like, maybe it might repulse you so much that I could leave because if I remember correctly you said and I quote ‘I have everything I will ever need and I don’t need someone with purple hair messing that all up,” I said with so much venom it was practically visible.

“I liked the first part of that little speech but it went downhill after that, and I still have everything I need, I just have an unnecessary purple head in my life now.” Wow, he’s a cocky, bloody prick.

“So when’s your company coming? I might make a new friend, so when you next have someone come over I can stay with her and talk about how much of an asshole you are.” I said with absolutely no intention to befriend a slut especially after the ones I saw today.

“Why do you think it’s a girl, I might just have a mate come over to watch footy with.” He objected.

“Well if it’s only one friend then I don’t need to stay somewhere else then,” I smugly smiled back.

“No! Can’t you just go somewhere else for the night,” he was getting so flustered, it was quite comical to watch.

 I pushed his feet of the couch so I there was room for me to sit down. I then put my feet over his legs and pretended to be interested in his soccer game. “What are you doing?” He asked.

“I’ve had a busy day so I’m sitting down, spending some quality time with my mate, have you seen him around? Because the only person I’ve seen is someone that looks like him but acts like a complete dickhead.” I smiled sweetly at him.

He didn’t say anything, just stayed silence, like I would forget about eventually. I moved my feet off of his legs and sat closer to him to the point that we were touching. I felt a few tingles but I convinced myself that they were painful tingles like pins and needles.

I put my head on his shoulder and my hand on his thigh, close to his manhood. I felt him stiffen and had to fight extra hard from laughing at him and wanting to sprint as fast as possible away from him.

I moved my head closer to his neck and started kissing his neck while rubbing his thigh. After a few minutes of sucking, kissing and rubbing I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to get a well deserved glass of water.

The water wasn’t really changing the taste so I swapped it for juice which was heaps better. “What was all that about?” Alex asked extremely pissed.

“Oh that,” I started smiling evilly, “was a preview of some of the things I did with Kieran,” small white lie, “that you won’t get to experience again.” Even if some of it was a lie, it was worth the expression on Alex’s face. Well it was worth it until he got so angry that his wolf came out, from that moment on it was no longer funny just scary.


End of a chapter :D

I didn’t except me to upload so soon but I did...I’m so proud!! Well I hope you wattpaders like it!!!

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