Chapter 12

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 I was happy for time to freeze and we would be left like this forever but as he had said earlier 'all good things must come to an end' and it did. Thunder and lightning became highly active with the new addition of rain so everything was soaking wet. My hearing and sight was going insane, but my hearing picked up something that terrified me, a loud, controlling growl followed by about 9 others.

Oh shit.


Well I can easily say this was not one of the best nights and it didn't help that I was still coming down from the high that the kiss caused. Just the thought of it would cause the strongest building to crumble, the coldest person to love. I was brought back to the world when I heard another growl, it sounded familiar. He was defiantly an alpha or soon to be alpha at least.

A light beige wolf came out from the forest that surrounded Aunt Meg's house, too big to be an average wolf. It was roughly the size of a small car. Then his 9 friends came out, the same size as the beige wolf only with less muscle.

The beige wolf lowered his legs slightly and bared his sharp teeth, ready to pounce and rip any ones head off with ease. His crystal blue eyes turned to look at Kieran who was standing neutrally, not trying to show power over the werewolves nor showing weakness.

I took a quick step next to Kieran signalling them to leave him alone; the wolves didn't like this especially the beige one whose fur was now darker due to the pouring rain. He was defiantly the leader. The leader took a step forward and the others followed.

This was all a mind game to see who would crack first, who would submit first. The other werewolves wouldn't because they were male and I wouldn't, I had too much to lose and if they killed me, they could easily kill Kieran than jump over the fence and kill Aunt Meg and Sam if they desired to do so.

The leader turned and looked at the wolf 2nd from the left and nodded, obviously sending telepathic messages.

I cautiously said to Kieran “Press the buzzer 5 times.”

“Why 5 times?” He said back, damn it why couldn’t he just press a button? The leader turned his attention to Kieran who was acting extremely stupid right now.

“Because who presses a button 5 times, it’ll alert Meg and Sam!” I urgently cried back when the wolves were closing in on us. I jumped in front of him while the werewolves formed a semi circle around us, slowly closing in, almost as if they wanted our deaths to be slow and painful.

I heard the faint buzz of the button being pressed before more lightning struck quickly followed by thunder sending every wolf into spasms. I could hear some of the louder cries from the wolves. One wolf was particularly loud when it cried out in pain.

My sight flickered to the forest to see the new predator to watch out for only to find Kieran standing in front of a wolf on the floor. The wolves looked at him with so much hate that I could practically see the darkness and hatred wrapping itself around the wolves. The leader growled making a sound to tell the other wolves to be prepared to fight.

I felt my wolf pushing itself out, usually she’s content on letting me take control but now she had a purpose and she was not going to stop. I unwillingly shifted into my black wolf and let her take control. She stretched her legs and rolled her neck around a bit since it had been a long times since I let her out.

She took note of the stench of testosterone in the air and noticed the smell of Alex who just so happened to be the beige wolf. I had never seen him in is wolf form, whenever we fought other packs the females would stay at home while the males fought.

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