He forthwith paused stiffly when he saw Hashirama wasn't alone himself. That idiot and a stranger were both facing at the river while they chortled each other. What Madara was uncanny about that he didn't sense this person's chakra earlier, but Hashirama's.

He doubted that this person is also a shinobi. Hashirama seated a few inches away from that person who holds a red-oil paper umbrella shaded herself which he didn't see that person distinctively. He stepped back attempting to hide in the bushes but it was too late when Hashirama noticed Madara's chakra after his head startled. He quickly turned around and found a staggered Madara. Then he called his name out loud and waved at him cheerily.

Madara froze comically.

"Ooooooioooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Hashirama continuously waved with his vivid smile.

'Damn you, idiot!' Madara cursed himself mentally.

He has no choice but remained standing up stiffly. He felt anxious and dubious so he started to scan his eyes around in case someone's lurking or a sign of a trap. But it was affirmatively only the three of them alone. Madara wasn't a good sensory type in terms of a person's chakra minimise itself.

Meanwhile, Hashirama raised himself up and ran towards Madara. Madara gave Hashirama in an instant frown.

"Hey, Madara! How's it going?" Hashirama greeted him. Madara glared at him madly then he glances at that person block with an umbrella suspiciously. Then he glances back at his friend.

"And who's that?" He asked irresolutely. Hashirama then turns his head to the person which Madara mentioned.

"Oh right! We've met in the forest while I travelled. I can't leave her alone so I want her to be with me because it's not safe of her wandering around in this area. And we have a great time of chatting with her. Also, I thin—"

"—So you just let that stranger be with you?" He cut Hashirama's words. Now he felt more uncomfortable when he found out that it was a random person that his friend met.

"Eh..not really but—"

"—Don't you think that person is suspicious!." He lowered his voice coldly and gave him a hostile staring look towards the person again. Hashirama sweat-dropped and furrowed his brows.

Hashirama laughed nervously."Calm down Madara, sh—"

"—And don't tell me you already told that stranger we're shinobi?" Madara lowered his voiced. Hashirama was stunned and blinking his eyes.

"Yeah..so?" Hashirama answered him. Madara sigh and he face-palmed. Thinking that Hashirama is just simply a naive kid.

"Do you know what risk will happen when you told that unknown person about us?" Madara said and sounded his voice like he interrogated Hashirama. Hashirama pisses off and had enough of Madara for not letting him continue his explanation.

"Hey! At least I didn't mention my last name! Will you stop cutting out my words! Let me explain, Madara. And, do not worry sh—"

"—Even so, don't you ever just trust anybody, baka!" Madara, once again he cut Hashirama's words. Hashirama inhales deep wearily and he sigh. He decided to quit and give up arguing Madara.

In a few seconds, the person standing herself up. Madara knitted his brows. When the person, which is actually a lady, slowly turns around and face the two of them.

Madara's eyes widen. A pink-haired girl was smiling at him wearing a flowery gold Kimono. Madara then flabbergasted for this unexpectedly moment that a girl from the forest will meet her here again. It's an irony for him, after all, he remembered about her when he travelled back from that forest before his arrival.

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