"AYY TORI ODION IS WAL......" I froze mid-sentence because he was gone.

"Uhh.... Uncle Devin not to be nosy or anything but you were really wrong." Saint said and Noah nodded in agreement.

"Stay outta grown folks business." I said picking up Odion. "But uhh..... since y'all were being nosy what exactly happened because I've lost track of all the times we were arguing." I said avoiding their eyes.

"Well.... you were sitting at the table writing and Uncle Blaze asked you something about y'alls other house, you got snapped at him and he walked away. Then he asked you something about the wedding and you snapped at him again, I could tell he was getting pissed.... my bad he was getting mad and then he asked you about the marriage certificates and you just kinda flipped out so..... yeah not taking sides or anything but I think you could've handle that better." Noah said and I shook my head.

"When are y'all leaving?" I asked irritated, because now it was starting to come back to me. I was writing the song I wanted Lafayette to sing at our wedding and honestly when I'm writing I hated being distracted and now I had possibly fucked up my relationship.

Khalil and Marcus finally showed up about three hours later and I could see how much they loved each other, it just seemed like they never argued. As Marcus got the kids together I pulled Khalil to the side because I really needed his advice right now, I gave him the watered down version of what happened and when I got to the part about the ring my voice crack and I became painfully aware of the ring that felt like a brick in my pocket.

"Look Dev when me and Marcus first got married..... we argued over everything. Where we were going to eat, what we were going to do over the weekend, my annoying habits.... a lot of little shyt. But I couldn't imagine being with anyone else, when Marcus left to clear his head after he found out about Noah....... that was one of the hardest time of our relationship because there was so much uncertainty there, were we going to make it and stuff like that....... But I had to get him back, which is exactly what you need to do, track down Blaze and make this shyt right." Khalil said. "We'll take Darion and Odion tonight so you can go get you dude."

I spent the next six hours checking all over the city for him before finally tracking down a hotel he was staying in, I pulled up and took a deep breath I was nervous as fuck going in there because like Khalil said the uncertainty of what was going to happen scared me. I got to his room and knocked quietly, I heard movement behind the door and knew he was looking at me through the peephole.

"Torian I know you're up, I can hear you breathing..... can you please open the door so we can talk?" I said and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was silently cussing me out. "I'll sleep out here if I have to but I can't go another minute without seeing your face..... please." I said and after waiting another minute or so he finally opened the door. I walked inside and saw a bottle sitting on the dresser.

"Turn the light off, I got a massive headache." He said walking over to the window and sat down, the light from outside was the only thing that helped me get through the room without falling and breaking my neck.

"I don't wanna keep fight with you anymore Torian........ and I'm sorry that I keep causing us to fight but this shyt is stressful as fuck and maybe I'm not dealing with it in the best way. I'm also sorry for how I acted earlier, it was beyond childish." I said.

"I don't wanna fight with you either Devin...... and you aren't the only one who is stressing out; I got my mom constantly calling for something or other, that bitch ass dude Finn is back at work because of some legal reason or whatever, then to top it off it feels like I'm handling all the wedding stuff by myself." Torian said and in the dim light I saw his eyes tearing up.

"Baby from here on out....... I'm going to be right by your side for every little step, because I gotta admit when you took that ring off it scared the fuck outta me. You know I got abandonment issues and when you left I was so damn scared that..... that you weren't coming back." I said wiping my eyes.

"I regretted taking the ring off the second it happened but this shyt between us is dangerous, we're both extremely passionate. When you get mad you hit hard and I'm the type of person who hits back harder..... I walked out and turned right back around but just like you my pride wouldn't let me lose." He said laughing a little. "And you aren't the only one with abandonment issue Devin, I know all too well what you went through which is why I would never leave you." He said quietly.

"That's why we worked so well..... two lost boys who found each other." I said grabbing his hand and sliding the ring back on his finger. "You better not ever take it off again." I said leaning forward and kissing him.

"We got a lot of work to do....." He said looking down at the ring on his finger. "But we've been through the worse so I know we can make it......" Torian said laying up against me.

"So are you coming home? I'm pretty sure you're going wanna see Odi walking...." I said laughing.

"Devin that boy has been walking, he just doesn't like doing it in front of a lot of people. The other night I watched him climb out of his crib and get in bed with Darion one night and it tripped me out..... I was going to tell you but I really thought I was dreaming." Blaze said laughing.

"He loves his brother....." I said smiling. "And I love you......" I said kissing him gently. We didn't have the most stable relationship but he just did it for me in ways that no other person could, I knew we had a lot of work to do but there was no other person I'd rather spend the rest of my life with.............................

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