CHAPTER 10 - Rollercoasters.

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Harry and I continued to peddle up the road, to be completely honest I had no idea what so ever where he was taking me. ‘So Harry’ I said looking across to him, he was looking around at the surroundings of trees and meadows whilst peddling on his bike, god he was so cute. 

‘Where is this mysterious carnival you’re taking me to?’ I said with a chuckle, ‘It’s up here, there’s one in town for the weekend’ He replied to me, pointing straight ahead, he sounded half serious but then his cheeky smile appeared again and I knew he somehow had something to joke or have a laugh about. 

‘I haven’t been to a carnival since I was a little girl’ I replied to Harry with a soft tone in my voice. 

‘Well today’s the day that’s going to change’. He replied to me smiling, his smile hadn’t left his face; he was so god damn adorable. 

We continued riding up this stone path whilst admiring the view of trees, meadows and mountains, it was a beautiful place. Harry seemed to always know what to do to impress me. 

At the end of this road was a show ground with balloons and a ticket booth, I could hear the screaming and shouting of young children along with seeing the lights off all the rides flashing wildly, it was so exciting. 

Harry and I paid to get in and then started to walk around, I could smell cotton candy. I used to have it all the time when I was younger.

‘Oh my gosh! The laughing clowns!’ Harry said quite loudly, he was acting like a 2 year old he was that excited. He ran over to the booth and gave a ticket for 5 turns, I just stood there and observed the 17 year old boy as he played this game as if he was a child in kindergarten, it gave him so much enjoyment. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. It was quite a sight, I must say.

‘Oh darn it!’ Harry yelled hitting the booth lightly; I must admit he was extremely cute when he got mad. Yet again, he was always cute. 

He turned around to me, ‘Maddy, I lost’ he said, putting on a fake cry, his loose curls were moving on his head as he wailed ‘Whatever shall I do!?’ I just giggled at him, pulling him into a hug. ‘Come on, Curly, let’s go do something else’. 

We walked around the show ground for a good 10 minutes, just talking. Just by being him, he made me get this feeling I couldn’t even describe, it was like I was on top of the world, Harry gave me constant butterflies, I couldn’t even begin to explain what I felt when I was around him. 

I noticed flashing lights, a lot of noise and a bunch of children screaming, I looked up to see one of the most fun rides there was at a carnival, a rollercoaster. 

‘Harry!’ I yelled excitedly, he was looking down and the ground smiling to himself with his hand interlocked with mine. ‘Yes?’ he asked, looking up and smiling, the butterflies were there again. 

‘The rollercoaster, please!?’ I asked almost as excitedly as when he saw the laughing clowns. 

He gave me a strange look that I hadn’t seen before. 

‘I’d rather not, Madz.’ he said quite hesitantly and cautiously. ‘Why the hell not, Harry? I stood there and watched you go on the laughing clowns like a 2 year old, please go on the rollercoaster with me, pleaaaaaase!’ I was practically begging him to. ‘No, you don’t understand, this is really embarrassing but, I’m terrified of rollercoasters, I loathe them, please, I’d do anything to make you smile, but I can’t go on it, please, Maddy.’ he said, he sounded so embarrassed. 

I personally thought it was cute, ‘It’s ok, Harry.’ I said soothingly, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, ‘We’ll go find something else to do’ I said with a smile walking away from the rollercoaster. ‘Thank you’ Harry said quietly, I smiled at him and he smiled back, once again, I was lost in his perfect hazel green eyes. He was the closest I could get to perfect, and I was almost 100% positive that I was falling for him, if I hadn’t already, he was so impossible to resist. 

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