With a few more shoves, I manage to send him off to the direction of the balcony. He sighed deeply before opening the balcony door and stepping out.

I turned to see a still bright red Harry.

"Take charge..hmm I like it." I poked fun at him.

"Yeah yeah..it worked didn't it?" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me into his warm side.

"Yeah, it did."


Alexa's pov

I followed Mick out to the balcony. I had a feeling what he was about to ask, and I wasn't looking forward to it.

"Alexa.." He said turning towards me "I think us seeing each other again happened for a reason. I've had so much fun today and well, do you think you might want to go out with me..Again?"

My stomach dropped. I liked Mick, don't get me wrong. But I only liked Mick as a friend. Not as a boyfriend.

"Mick.." I started before taking a deep breath. "I had a lot of fun with you today too, but, I'm sorry. We didn't work out for a reason and I just don't think we should try it again.."

"I get it.. I have to say I was expecting that..but can't blame a guy for trying right?"

I smiled in relief. The one thing that I always liked about Mick was that he never made a big deal about stuff.

He was always quick to drop things.

"Thanks Mick..for understanding." I touched his arm gently.

"Still friends though right?" He questioned.

"Of course!" I punched his arm.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt...actually I did. Alexa, can I talk to you?" I turned, my stomach filled with butterflies, as Niall emerged from the balcony doors.

I turned to Mick.

"I should be going anyway..Alexa, I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for today..Niall..take care of her." he said clapping him on the back, then exiting smoothly.

I bid Mick goodbye, then turned to Niall.

"Hey.. Sorry about today..I just haven't seen him in a long time you know?" I spoke softly.

"No biggie.." He said taking the seat next to me.

"How was the beach day?" I asked curiously.

"Alright..would've been better with you." he said hushed, looking straight ahead.

"Thank Niall."

"Alexa, I want to talk to you about something."

I nodded. "Okay shoot."

"Do you like Mick?" He blurted out suddenly.

"What? No! No, definitely not. Mick and I had a past, have a past," I corrected myself "but the feelings I once had for him are long gone."

His shoulders relaxed, as if he was bearing weights ontop of them for awhile and he just finally got to take them off.

"Well I'm glad to hear that." He hushed.

I blushed, not being able to hide the smile. Niall gave me feelings I couldn't control.

"Would you go on a date with me?"

My stomach flipped.

"I would love to."

"So Ela was right." he smiled to himself, shaking his head.

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