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"Actually, maybe you should be thanking me."

Alexa's POV

It was the wrath of Melinda we were all about to endure. Never in my entire career with her have I seen her this angry. She made us all come into the living room and sit on the couch in front of her. The worst part of this is that she isn't speaking. She is just pacing back and forth with her head faced at the ground.

I squirm uncomfortably along with the other girls. I look to my right to see Ela rubbing her temples gently. She must have a hardcore headache, and she deserves it. The reason Melinda is so pissed is because of her irresponsibility!

"Melinda, are you going to-"


Melinda shut Erin up with a finger to the lips and the quiet sound.

Melinda walks over to Erin and Lauren. I can feel the tension in the air. Are they going to be the first ones to get it? I hope not. Erin isn't very good with yelling, and at this time of day, we don't need any tears.

"You two, go get ready for the day. Look presentable."

Those two got off the hook so easily?! We were all shocked. I guess I understand. Lauren and Erin hadn't drank anything last night, same for me, but they also left before everything got out of hand. I didn't. I watch Erin and Lauren exchange confused looks and scurry out of the living room.

"Two down. Three more to go." I heard Melinda mumble under her breath.

She took a stroll around our coffee table and stopped short right in front of Maura. I felt Maura's breathing stop as she prepared for a battle.

"So Miss Maura, where you last night around midnight?"

"Zayns house." Maura blurted, picking at her nails. Even though she was the toughest of us all, I knew from her lack of eye contact she too was nervous.

"Did you sleep with him?"

Maura let out a hesitant breath. She was deciding between the truth and a lie. Either way, Melinda would know if she was lying.

"Fuck it. Yep."

"Use protection?"


"Good. Not surprised it happened. Go ahead. Get ready. Try and wipe that post-sex smile of your face. It's sickening." Melinda spat out at her.

"Oh. Okay!" Maura jumped up from her seat and ran to her room. Lucky girl.

Just as Maura disappeared down the hallway, Melinda's stone face turned to a sinister smile. She glared at Ela and I as if we were just big pieces of meat.

"Now, the two troublemakers."

She turned on her heel and sat down in the leather chair right in front of us.

"Who wants to get the heat first?"

I looked at Ela, but she seemed to be in her own world. It was Harry and Kendall. I could tell from the look on her face. She was trying to process everything and sort through her problems, something she always does internally.

Knowing she wasn't going to respond, I decided to go. "Okay, I volunteer as tribute."

"Shut up, Alexa. With everything you have done, you have nowhere to be cracking jokes."

"Melinda, please tell me what I did wrong because I honestly can't find anything."

"OH! HERE WE GO AGAIN. The innocent one! Well, let me explain to you what went on with you. First, you show up to the beach bash knowing you will have to cover for Ela. You don't inform me about her planned tardiness.  THIRD, you go to this party and get all snuggly up an Irish lad. Don't act like the paps weren't there. Finally, when your band members were gone past their limit, you didn't stop them. You allowed them to get drunk off their asses in front of everyone. I thought you were a leader, not this shit."

She is kidding right now? She has to be just kidding.

"Are you joking right now?"

"Sorry, no Miss Comedian. I am not," she says with the bitchiest tone I have ever heard.

"Okay fine Melinda! Let me start from the beginning. I didn't know Ela was going to be late until 30 minutes before we went on, and every time I tried to tell you, you pushed me away because you were too busy! I'm sorry if she was late, but I'm not going to be a complete bitch to her the rest of the night for it! And Niall? HAHA. We didn't even hold hands! I just met him. I wouldn't go around just making out with him! And last but not least, since when am I there manager? I knew where everyone was. I knew if they were safe and awake. Actually, maybe you should be thanking me. If it wasn't my idea for Harry to take drunk Ela back to his house, the paparazzi would have found out! Geez Melinda. Give me some credit sometimes! Just because you are mad at Ela doesn't mean we all should take the heat!"

Once I finished my rant, I let out a huge sigh of relief. Everything she said was blown way out of proportion, and I couldn't take it.

She opened her mouth ready to fire back, but nothing came out.

"Fine. Go get ready. Leave me alone with her."

I can't believe she dismissed me, but boy, was I glad. Now, it is Ela's turn. Good luck.

Ela's Pov

I watched as Alexa escaped anymore chatising like an innocent toddler. She always knows how to talk her way out of things. I do too, but it usually involves swearing and things I will regeret later.

Melinda picked the lint off her light blue sweater before gently resting her head in her hands. She looked over at me from the brim off her glasses with a look of pure disgust and disappointment.

"I thought we were past this behavior Ela."

I felt my mouth go dry. I hated these lectures from Melinda. It was weird. No one ever really looked out for me when I grew up. Now Melinda was constantly down my back.

"Your past mistakes are in the past. They are to never resurface the public again. You cannot go back to that girl. The screw up. The one that just doesn't care."

The dryness that once coated my mouth traveled down to my throat thickly. I felt incapable of swallowing let alone even speaking.

"We cannot have you as the drunk girl. You have been titled that before, and get ready for it again if any pictures come from the Beach Bash. Knowing Hollywood, the word will spread, and you will be the drunk slut of LA."

Trying to process Melinda's words only made me angry. I could barely contain myself as she continued.

"I love you, Ela. However, this is only so much we can take. Shape up, but not just for me. Do it for the fans, the girls, and most importantly, you. Work hard because it will pay off. No more of this. Know I'm so hard on you all because I want you to be big."

I tried. I really do try. But its alot sometimes. I always mess everything up.

"OH! And one more thing: you need to apologize to the girls. It was wrong for me to take it out on them, but you were the cause of this. You also owe Alexa a huge thank you. If it wasn't for her, the papparazzi would have eaten you alive. Reflect on this and move on. We have other stuff to worry about."

Melinda was extremely right. I brought this mess upon all of us. I could have controlled myself last night. It is just that the alcohol made me forget Kendall. It made me free and calm.

Although I need to apologize to the girls, I am pretty sure I will not apologize to Harry. He acted so kind this morning, like he planned to take me home last night when it was really Alexa's idea! He didn't even have the guts to tell me that, and I need to swallow my pride? He needs to look at himself.

I make mistakes alot, but I promised myself I would never go back to the old me. And I will not. Ever.

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