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"You know he loves you, right?

Alexa POV

"Yeah, Mom. Things are going great here. I am actually chilling outside of the studio getting ready to record." I inform my Mom, who is on the other side of the country.

"Awh, Alexa! I am so unbelievably proud of you! I can't wait to come visit in a few weeks and meet this boy you won't stop talking about." she gleamed.

I couldn't help but blush.

"Yeah, he is pretty special." I sighed.

Special isn't even the right word to describe Niall. He is unique. He is different. He is extraordinary, and I am beyond lucky to call him mine.

"Well, I could only imagine. I hope your days in California are sunny and bright, just like you. I love you, Alexa." She started to tear up on the other side of the phone.

"Mom, don't cry. I will see you soon. But I got to go, I love you." with that assurance, I hung up the phone before I started to cry.

Don't get me wrong. My family and I are in constant contact. It is just that I hardly ever see them. It is different when I am missing all my brothers' games and big events back at home, but they know I am proud of them. I am beyond excited to go home and see them though.

As I scroll through old family memories on my phone, the door to the studio bursts with such a zeal that it scares me.

"Harry! You scared the crap out of me." I huffed as I scooted myself off the ground and went to see what was wrong.

"Sorry." he growls.

"What is going on?" I exhale knowing he is going to erupt.

"We tried to make it work. Why in the world does it not sound right? In practice it did!" Harry puffed and covered his head with hands.

"Oooh. So this is about you and Ela's part?" I asked as I sat down right next to him.

"Yessss. I mean were you even there five minutes ago?" He snapped at me.

"Whoa whoa, calm down. No, I wasn't. I was out here on the phone, with my mom."

He closed and opened his mouth, searching for the right words.

"But if I can guess, I'm thinking Ela kinda blew up a bit?" I continued, smirking slightly.

He raised his eyebrows in response of suprise.

"Yes. How did you-" he started to ask but I interrupted him.

"It's Ela's pattern. If she doesn't get it at her first swing, she gets frustrated and blows up. Give her a couple minutes and she'll be fine." I patted him on the shoulder.

His shoulders relaxed slightly. " I worried about this for the past month. I thought everything would go smoothly, but now our voices don't even make sense together."

I understand what he is saying. When two voices don't blend, it creates this friction. It is almost like two soloists singing and not a pair. It is always the biggest issue when creating a song.

"Well, maybe you and Ela just weren't meant to sing together. I mean you know her voice is a lot different from yours. She has that dip in her voice when she sings.That doesn't mean you guys can't be together at all when singing. Maybe it's just the song." I guaranteed him.

"I know. Youre right. I just feel bad talking to her about it. I'm letting her down and it kills me. I hate putting more to worry about on her plate. She already has a ton going on." He fiddled with his hands apprehensively.

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