7/2/12........ -_-

91 2 5

GRR. I hate my S+E seating arrangement!

My  friends' cousin sits directly in front of me, and she is on her own little mission to make me constantly annoyed.

And, The girl i sit next to is one of those bitchy teenage girls, and today, she kept bugging me.

It was obviously shown on my face, so she asked "Why are you annoyed?" And i was like, "Im not annoyed. I sit next to annoying people." And she got all annoyed telling me i was being mean and a bitch and stuff -_-

  Now she has already realised that i am what is know as 'le harry potter freak' (the pencil case, nails, and the number of times it is written in my book help). Anyway, somehow we all ended up talking about Red Dog (for those of you who dont know, it is a really, really sad australian movie).

Now she asked me if i cried during it, and i said no. Because i didn't. No because it isn't sad, but because i dont cry that much. And she stared at me as if I was crazy, then asked if i cried during harry potter.

DUH........ Of course i did!

Cue the crazy stare again.


So she asked me which part. WHICH PART?!?!? I mean, siriusly? does 'every death + the entire last 2 movies' count?

Then, later, she then asked me if, given the chance, WOULD I GO TO HOGWARTS?!?!?!?!

What kind of question is that??? When she heard my very firm YES, she then said "But then you wouldn't see me!"


I told her i could live with that, and she called me a bitch again -_-

I told her she makes it too easy, and she told me i shouldn't be proud of being a bitch.


Anyways, rant over now.

So wat's happenin' peoples?

OOH!! OOOH! Guess what??


But ihave to wait till march -_-


It's funny- i told my cousin to dump her boyfriend because we were all out, and she and i both started talking about the movie and getting all excited, and he just stared at us with a WTF look.

And he thinks she's too obsessed with HP (there's no such thing!), and when he saw me that ^^ day, i was wearing my Deathly Hallows badge, and he just looked at me and said "harry potter refence? really?" And i said:

"Always..." :D

Anyway.... i cant wait for the movie! Or myhogwarts!

Can you?

Random Rants :DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang