"Put this on her." Another bridesmaid whispers in my ear and hands me the veil. Crystal notices immediately as I come up behind her and place it on top of her hair. Her eyes glisten and she smiles as she pulls the veil over her face.

"Ladies-" Isaac knocks on the door and we all turn around to face him, his eyes linger on Crystal for a moment and he smiles at her before clearing his throat.

"We're all ready to go up there. I suggest you begin your walk." He says and leaves and everyone scrambles to grab their own bouquet and I hand Crystal hers. She takes a deep breath and blinks away any tears she was forming, I see each girl one by one leave the room.

"I'd always imagine my father would walk me down the aisle." She chokes out and I grab her hand.

To my surprise Jeremy's mother walks in holding one of the twins and she hands him to me. I look at Crystal who smiles at both of us, I almost want to cry at how cute he looks in the small tux they had made for him.

"Jeremy has Matthew with him,you'll be walking down together holding them. I couldn't have my wedding without my babies." She smiles and I nod my head leaving the room with Heather. There's an awkward silence for a moment but she clears her throat and looks at me right as we stop at the door way.

"I give you and my son my full blessing. I'm sorry for everything I've said." She says and opens the door for me, I smile at her and walk ahead to see Jeremy waiting for me holding Matthew, Michael fusses in my arms but remains asleep.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod my head as the doors open for us and I see the entire pack turn their heads to look at us and smile as they see their future Alphas being carried down the aisle, I look at the end and see Mark smile between us, he's never looked this happy ever since I met him.

Pretty soon it'll be you walking down this aisle in your own white dress.

Jeremy says in my head and I smile at him one last time before we separate and he stands next to Mark and I stand next to the spot where Crystal will be. The entire pack stands as the organist begins playing here comes the bride and the doors open again to reveal Crystal smiling proudly as she walks down the aisle and everyone looks proudly at their Luna. She reaches Mark and I've never seen a more perfect couple standing next to each other. As they begin their vows I can't keep my eyes off Jeremy the entire time and he does the same, I jump when I hear the priest announce that they are now husband and wife and Mark kisses her immediately as the entire room erupts in applause and cheers. We're all moved into the next room where the reception is set up and all the bridesmaids and groomsmen are placed at a long table right at the very end of the room, the baby is taken from me and Jeremy by two nurses who will take care of the them for the rest of the night.

He smiles at me as we stand waiting for Crystal and Mark to reappear to greet the entire pack again.

"Where did they go?" I ask scanning the room as everyone finds their seats.

"It's a tradition amongst wolves after you're married that you are to take your first steps as husband and wife as wolves outside in a very private ceremony." He says and I smile thinking about Crystal struggling to take that dress on and off again.

"Any thoughts during the wedding? You were blocking me out." Jeremy says narrowing his eyes at me as if I had a secret to hide.

"I didn't know I was or that I could even do that. But it's good to know." I laugh and he shakes his head and steps closer to me and I wrap my arms around his neck to hug him, for some reason I just really needed his comfort. I sigh closing my eyes and inhale his scent but when I open them I see his father glaring at us both.

"Your father still doesn't approve of me." I say and he just holds me tighter before letting go and kissing the top of my head.

"I won't care what he thinks when you have my last name, and my pup growing here." He says and places a hand on my stomach but I grab it and push it aside.

"Jeremy...you know what the doctor said." I say and he shrugs.

"It'll happen I know it will. No matter how long it takes." He says and kisses my forehead again just as the room cheers again and Mark and Crystal enter looking like a beautiful mess with his suit halfway put on and her hair missing a few of the white flowers as she carries her veil in her hand.

Jeremy and I take our seats next to one another and night carries on filled with laughter and love and blessings from all the elders in the pack as they wish them a long and happy marriage. Jeremiah holds my hand as the twins are brought in to be carried by their parents as pictures are taken of them. Then begins their first dance as husband and wife and as soon as the next song begins, Jeremy grabs my hand and forces me to dance with him right next to the happy couple and I never felt so insecure to have all these eyes on me.

"Relax" Jeremy whispers in my ear as we slowly sway around the dance floor, pretty soon other couples join and I lay my head comfortably on Jeremy's chest feeling complete and so unbelievably happy.

4 years later

"I thought it was food poisoning." I say and Jeremy chuckles as he kisses my enlarged stomach one more time, the baby kicks in the exact spot he left a kiss.

"You went 4 months along without realizing you were pregnant?" He laughs again. Ever since we found out we were expecting he's been teasing me about how blind I was to not seeing the obvious signs and not realizing that my wolf knew as well.

"You're my mate you should have noticed too." I glare at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Well I did notice you gaining some weight of course." He says reaching behind me to pinch my butt. I gasp and smack his hand away to continue cooking our dinner but he wraps his arms around me anyways.

"I want this pup nice,fat and healthy." He says and kisses the back of my head.

"I love you." He holds me a little bit tighter and I lean my head back into his shoulder.

"I love you."

A/N: Book 3 has been published and completed and Book 4 has been published as well.

My Human (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now