Chapter six: In Helping Hands

Start from the beginning

"Hey, son," Dad said, "I'm so glad you called me."

"Oh heeey dad," I replied, "Just...checking up on you that's all."

Dad's smiled faded, "What's wrong, Cole?"

"I'm fine," I said.

"I can tell something's wrong," Dad protested, "I know that look on your face. You want me to come over?"

"No don't do that," I quickly said, "I'm just...tired from a long, busy day."

"Oh, okay?" Dad smiled, "'s life?"

"Complicated," I said, "You?"

"Same," Dad replied, "Anyway, I was scrolling through channels on TV and I saw your friends at a damaged building. I thought you were down there with them."

"Oh I uh.." I paused, "Can't! Cause...Master Wu wanted me to stay."

"Odd," Dad replied, "Oh yes I almost forgot, your probably wondering why I tried to call you earlier. It was because in case you haven't heard, I'm moving out of town cause I'm running out of storage. Ha! I thought you can help me lift a few things out, but if Wu wanted you to stay..."

"Oh no I can help," I said, "I can just talk to Master Wu then I'll be on my way over."

"Sounds pleasant," Dad said, "Alright see you soon."

My dad hangs up. As soon as I hung up, I groaned in frustration. Now I had to help my dad move out. You know, I'd rather do that than explain something that I can't even remember.

I suddenly heard dragon roars outside. I looked out the window and saw the others. I thought about it for a moment...I'm not gonna explain them anything. I was just gonna get to my father ASAP.

I heard footsteps. The others were going to open the door. I quickly got out of bed then locked the door shut. I heard the doorknob trying to open.

"Hello?" Jay said, "Cole! I know you're in there! We need to talk to you! I hope you got my text message!"

Jay seemed angry. I must've pushed him over the edge. He started knocking and continued to use the doorknob.

No way I was gonna talk to them. Jay and Kai need to chill for a while. Obviously there's no other door out, so instead I used the window. I jumped out then created my elemental dragon.

I looked back at the temple as I  took off. I kinda felt guilty yet relived at the same time. They'll figure out where I'm at sooner or later.

As I was flying, I looked down below and saw the damaged restaurant. I saw the reporter and cameraman talking to the manager, who was crying as she spoke. I felt so bad for her. I wanted to make it up for her, but I had something else on my mind.

I looked back ahead of me and continued to fly in the sky. My friends are probably wondering where I'm at. That's okay, it's not like I'll be gone forever.

I finally reached my father's house. I landed on the sidewalk then walked up to his door. With one deep breath, I was about to knock on the door. But before I was able to place my hand on it, the door quickly opens with my father on the other side.

"Ah, Cole I'm so glad you made it," Dad replied.

Dad wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He hugged me kinda tight so I couldn't hug him back. When he pulled away, he handed me a few heavy boxes.

"Here. Just put them on the lawn for now until the moving truck gets here."

I did what I was told. I placed the boxes on the lawn then went back inside to get some more. Dad carried his awards next to the boxes.

"There should be some more upstairs," Dad called, "Oh! When you go into the hallway, don't-"

Before he could finish, his phone began to ring, "Hold on, Cole. I need to take this. Just get the boxes upstairs."

My father picked up his phone and answered it. I could tell that he was talking to the moving truck driver. I began to walk upstairs to find the other boxes.

What boxes?

I couldn't find them anywhere. I checked the the bedroom, there was at least one box, but it wasn't heavy though. It was so light, that I was curious to see what's in it.

I decided to open the box and I saw lots of cameras and tapes. They must've been from a long time ago. I picked up one camera and started to play the first video. I gasped as it was playing me failing the Triple Tiger Sashay when I was 7.

I chuckled at myself as I started to cry on stage. I had the huge scab on my forehead. Everyone was laughing like crazy. My Dad face palmed and hung his head in embarrassment.

I remembered the day after the performance. The flashback played in my head. My father wasn't mad, he was just really disappointed.

(Flashback. Ten years ago)

No one's POV

7-year old Cole walked off stage with tears in his eyes. He sniffed as he placed his hand on the scab. The sounds of people laughing hysterically made him want to scream.

He sat on the stair and wiped the tears away. He looked back at the stage then looked away to hang his head in shame.

Then, the rest of Cole's quartet came down. They were really angry at him. Cole look up at Chad, Amilla and Samson in embarrassment.

"Real nice," Chad said sarcastically.

"Thanks a lot, Bucket," Samson said.

"You owe us big time," Amilla growled.

When they left, Cole buried his head into knees and cried some more. He thought this couldn't possibly get any worse.

Suddenly he heard a man clearing his throat behind him. Cole looked up and saw his father staring down at him. He got up and slowly walked over to his disappointed parent.

"How could you do this to me?" Lou protested, "You embarrassed me. I've trained you this for months and yet you can't get it right. I'm disappointed in you, Cole."

"I'm sorry, dad," Cole said quietly, "I-I didn't mean for this to happen... really. Please don't hate me.."

Lou looked at his crying son with guilt. He then got on his knees then pulled Cole into a hug. Cole softly cried into Lou's shoulder.

"Son, I'm only disappointed, not angry. I'm a fool to teach you  something people could never do. And I can never hate you. You're my son and I love you with all my heart."

Cole began to wipe more tears off his face and began to smile. Lou smiled back then got back up on his feet.

"Cole, let me tell you something really important," Lou stated, "Don't ever cry. Crying is a sign of weakness, a sign of low quality and quitting. And you, son, are not a quitter. Keep telling yourself to never cry, and you'll never be a quitter again. Think you can do that?"

Cole sniffed, "Yes, father."

Lou smiled, "Now, you wanna go get some cake?"

"Yeah!" Cole cheered, "I want chocolate!"

(Back to the present)

Cole's POV

I sighed then put the camera back in the box. Turns out it's the truth. Ever since my father told me to never cry, it worked. I haven't cried since then. That was when my father deeply cared about me, and now, it's like I hardly even know him at all.

I began to walk down the hall. Then suddenly, I somehow slipped then went through the wall.

I screamed as I fell into a dark, cold room that seemed bottomless, until I couldn't see any light at all....

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