The Trials of Apollo

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Great book, loved the jokes and characters, when Apollo would go "I went back to the me cabin" It was cool and I like the small hints of Percy he is so cool when your not in his POV sense you don't know his perspective it's cool. Can't wait for the second book and the rest to come so I can read and read and read, also it's confirmed Solangelo is a ship, woo.

But The book series is basically Apollo has to take back the Oracle of Delphi as a mortal sense Zeus turned him into one as a punishment for 'causing' the second Giant war. There are trials to get the Oracle working and such and now Apollo has to go with Festus, Leo, and yes HER, Calypso is baaaaack!!!!! To claim all the oracles. He will fight Python as the final battle, but he said himself that it took all of his godly power, ability, arrows, and the most deadly bow ever made to take down Python....CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THis is all

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