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I'm back, me and my family went to this place called RavenWood Castle. There was no Service or Internet. It was fun actually. I read my book, played board games. Watched movies. It was very fun. And this dog came up, her teets were out so she had puppies somewere. She like me! I called her Puppawupagis. It really felt good to be away XD It was awesome really! I ALSO GOT A SHIRT THATS SAYS LOGAN ON IT!!!!!!! XD sorry I'm excited because now I can wear it and say "Call me Logan, not *******!" XD Lol! I am happy to have Internet again tho, school starts in 3 days....Woo-ish! Uhmm...I met my Latin teacher and he was cool. Also I haven't talked to someone so I could see them at school and I don't know if that person is mad at me now? But I'm happy to be back!

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