I can smell you

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Sorry but I am re reading some of these chapters and holy god I was weird and messed up! Why did you deal with me again? Lol

I'm also bringing back Pineapples

But while you wait for the pine apples to destroy you

Tiny bananas!

Also I feel like I lost quilty in my updates on here so imma bring that back, I will have atleast a hundred word things on here so you guys can fully understand why I'm weird to death!


Also love you guys, you are the best, 400 followers strong, a good life, what's next? Am I going to get the shoes I want? Get to see my wife

Skye's Floor? (It's a joke, she has a room in her house that's the game room and I married it, I also have a daughter which is a pole XD)

Or maybe, I won't suck at writing anymore?

So goodnight to you peeeps!

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