15 fact tag again

36 3 16

MiLadyEsme tagged me to do this again so let's do it again'!

1. I have long hair that covers my eye or hair just above my eyebrow

2. I want it be a writer/actor/singer/rapper when I grow up

3. The ocean scares me for some odd reason

4. Favorite NBA player is Kobe or Kyrie

5. I am moderately smart, but not overly smart

6. I have hearing problems, because of my music probably

7. I like FOB P!ATD and TØP, Skillet too for rock/rap

8. I like NWA Eminem BAd Meets Evil, Slaugjterhouse, Eazy-E, Ice Cube for rap

9. I hate my generation

10. I watch a lot of YouTube and no TV really

11. Favorite word is Vexation

10. I still look back at past events and wonder what would have happened if they stayed the same?

11. I can not listen to music, my phone and headphones are brought almost every were there's no water (pools and water park pools)

12. Most teachers like me because I am a head of my class in SS LA and Science....Not math

13. I hold grudges for awhile until I can't stand being angry at someone

14. I hate math it makes me want to miss school everyday

15. If I had to describe myself in one word.....******* my name, because that's the me

I tag no one because I have no friends :(

XD jk everyone else is already tagged

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