Serious rant

16 2 1

This is about my family not friends

So there is something I want to say, get it off my chest. You know how sometimes something small can escalate into something huge? Yea that's pretty stupid, or how all it would take is for someone to say something but either person just doesn't....Or how people get mad at you when they did the same thing? I mean it blows my mind the stupidity of our kind. I mean lets do this

Boy: doesn't talk to....Best friend or girlfriend for a week-month

Best friend/girlfriend: IM MAD I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU!

All you had to do was TEXT HIM! I mean seriously, my cousin...Lets call him Nate, (his name starts with N) he lost a close friend because of that. He was the boy, and his best friend was his best friend. It's as easy as "hey how are you today?" Not ".........." Talk, it's a two-lane street, that means cars can start on both sides. Sometimes it feels stupid to do that but we do!
Like I also try to stress at being perfect in a certain way, and by trying to be the perfect-person at it I become the worst. And I don't know why I do it, I just do. Some instinct just tells me not to do anything. And I'm a human I'll make mistakes, but if you don't try to fix the mistake or help me fix it then your a part of the problem. It just eats at me sometimes that crap.

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