The last time (AA:AU)

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 The man ran quickly, hoping to leave the courtroom behind and go home to seclusion. Two women and two men called for him but he ran quickly, he had to leave and get home. His pills were gone and he could feel himself slipping every moment, of course it had to be now.

Getting into the black car he started it shakily with his left hand, the other hand was on his face. Quickly putting the car into gear he started to drive away into the street, a car peeped as he drove onto the grey road, barely missing the blue sedan. 

Forgetting the car the man left the wood courtroom behind and made his way past the various color shops and buildings on the street, and kept going to the place he needed. Now he was started to shake violently, his mind was turning dark very dark.

Missing a car once again he got onto the side road, his body shaking and sweating intensely. Something started to click as the man stopped in the middle of the road, the car behind him narrowly missing him.

He laughed and beeped his horn, rolling down his windows he turned on music and turned the sound to 100. Ear splitting music came out of his car, coaxing people from all around him to investigate.

Two cars started to drive up holding the people that he had left behind, deciding to have fun the man backed up in between the cars and turned around on someones lawn. Quickly getting back onto the road the man started for the freeway.

The cars followed, but the man wasn't going to let them see him like this, but he wanted them too. He wanted them to see his face, but he couldn't do it...Never. Driving quickly he sped to 100 miles on the freeway as soon as he hit it. Turning his music down and gripping his head he veered around the highway looking at all the cars hoping to have lost the other two.

But they were coming up, a blue haired man with a red haired girl, and a blonde hair girl with a lavender haired man. Gripping onto sanity, the man drove faster, and faster, hitting 180 the end of the line was coming. His brain was fried, he wanted to hit the cars in front of them to see the blood splatter and the bodies fly and paint the cars and concrete red. 

Forgetting himself he took a sharp U-turn and drifted to the other road and started to drive back. The police lost him a long time ago and he was fine with that, he took a slower speed thankfully the police were gone. 

He got back to town fifteen minutes later and quickly speeding up he started to drive to his house. He stopped in his driveway, but at the door was the four people, with his two kids. They all looked worried, tears formed in his eyes. Blindly he turned back and started driving away. In a haze he saw the red and blue car that signaled there prescience which he should have seen earlier.

Crashing into the sides of the car and gaining screaming from the people he drove off again. This time his car on the side had no paint. Driving quickly off he went to a store were he waited. A few house might have passed before he left and headed back home. they were gone finally. When the man went into his kids rooms the dressers were empty and the beds messed up. 

After so much time, patches of his hair were missing, his shirt was gone so was a shoe. His left eye was scratched up and swelled shut. Sweat dripped down his body in a small river. His chest was a swirl of sweat blood and tears. Slash marks made by his own hands opened flesh on the mans chest.

His nails were now gone, completely ripped off, scars on his arm to his armpit bled slightly from his picking at the skin. His mouth filled with blood as he bit his tongue intensely. Spitting out the blood that was choking his throat the man went to his room. 

Going into his nightstand he took out a gun, taking off the safety he loaded it and pointed it at his foot. Firing the shot he screamed in agony, relishing in his own pain. A memory flooded back, of him stabbing his father, watching as the drugged man screamed in his face and spit up blood on his nose. 

The blood trickled down his hand the man remembered, leaving the knife in his fathers chest the man remembered he took his fathers own gun and shot him in the side of the head. The blood splattered on the mans arm and his sisters face. The man also remembers making it look like a suicide. 

The pain brought the man back to today, he watched the blood as it spluttered and made his carpet red. His shoes were staining red slowly. 

Shooting his other foot the man screamed once more, this time laughing along with the scream. His eyes clouded as he remembered killing his mother when he was little, by playing with his dads cigar lighter, he lit his blanket on fire and ran outside the house were some of his family was playing. 

But for the people inside they didn't stand a chance, the flame multiplied and the house engulfed in flames. Leaving some of his family to burn slowly, the screams which the man almost could hear now seemed pleasant to the agony he was feeling in his soul. 

Laughing hysterically, the man shot himself in his right arm, the pain newly old. Flinching at the pain the man thought of the many times he caught he own wrist and got yelled at and beaten. He thought of the time his father beat him for ending up in the hospital. Scars traveled from his wrist to his armpit, the day went by were he would cut just to watch his own blood drip onto the once white pillowcase.

He eventually turned it red, and always slept under his own blood, it was the best part of his day. Wasting no time the man shot his left thigh, causing a lot of pain. Screaming a little the man laughed and shot his right thigh making him kneel. 

The memories flew by more and more, The writs cutting, to the time he first kissed Rose. The memory that stopped him was more recent. When he first slept with Rose and that triggered there off-spring. 

The man thought about his children, his beautiful daughters, he shot himself in the chest and whimpered in pain. The memories of him and Hailie passing by, the time they met and the feelings they developed. and when he watched his Ex-wife kill her. 

Slowly picking up the gun with his right hand the man shot himself in the left arm, his muscles spasming in response the man cried out. He looked over quickly to see the door being knocked in. His own pain blocked out the sound of there get in. 

Quickly relishing  his life the man thought of the times he had with the women he truly loved. Crimson, they were so much alike but yet so much different. The man laughed, tears covering his sight, shakily pointing the gun to his head the man looked at the door.

It burst open, Skye Vortex, Crimson Tide, Collin Bleu, Jupiter Angel, Sarah Strattus, and Skyla Vortex walked into the room. With medical agents and three police. They were there to witness Logan Strattus' death.

Shakily talking, his voice rough and scarce Logan spoke his last few words, "he mount of scars on my wrist don't come close to the amount of tears i've shedded, and the amount of tears shedded don't amount to the demons I've faced and still have. Because life's a bitch ain't it?" He smiled and pulled the trigger shortly after saying those words. 

The blood shot out of the whole on the other side of his head, painting the white wall and making it red, the bullet landed on the bed leaving a trail of blood. Blood splattered the gun that ended Logan's life. Logan's face was a sad smile forever. 

Falling back with a thud, Logan Strattus had finally found peace...And has made the demons stop....Forever. 

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