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.....'ex nabs

I spilled coffee on myself did morning


It was scolding hot and I burnt my stomach

So I was sitting staring off into space on my bed when I just zone out and next think you know the coffee is pouring down my stomach and I freak out throwing the cup and throwing off my shirt
The cup didint break YAY!

But on other news school is tommorow right now I should he sleeping but I can't

So yeaaaaaaa

I also now have a book called

"The Moon's Charge"

I'm a Chaos child

You all should be scared because now I have the power of the universe

I can slaughter you all!!! ^_^

But can you guess my mother?????

It's another god Titan or Primordial


I also have converse now! YAY!

My foot size is 9's and my converse size sense converse are diffrent is 10'

And I'm 5'8 and a half

I Also got a hair cut

Now I have a roman hair cut

Its short not long like my greek style

I'm sad now


Also Virsa in my head

Has pink skin

Blue hair

Neon brown eyes

All black clothes

Is 3'0

Only because she didint describe herself


K bye!!!!!!!

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