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So I was tagged to do 15 random facts about me! Ready! Set! Go?!

1, I am a sneaker head I like to buy shoes and keep them nice

2, I'm a rapperish, I can freestyle and write ok

3, Pineapples, death, destruction, dirty and bad jokes, potatoes are my thing

4, I'm 6 foot

5, I wear six bracelets at all time and 10 when I go out including 3 necklaces

6, I am straight, but I don't discriminate against GLBT!

7, ignorant, rude, funny, stupid, weird

8, I am a nerd

9, I love anime! And Manga!

10, Bookworm

10, I like rap and rock music

11, most of my favorite characters from anything are girls *puts on glasses that have 'Weirdo' on the lenses* deal with it *explosion*

12, I don't get mad easily but if you do make me mad....Well....Run

13, at school a nickname I have is Satan (Because my friend Sans_The_Judger  and me were talking and I think he said something along the lines of "Say something" and I said "Satan? What? I thought you were Christian" so it's our joke whenever I don't respond or listen

14, I'm nocturnal, I stay up till around 3-6 sometimes 7 and sleep till 12-2

15, Very attached

I tag

Do it plz!

The rules are
Do it in a week (plz)
Give it a random title
State 15 random facts about you
Tag at least 3 peeps

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